P 11

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Kei didn't know what to do.

If only he had spent a little more time in the bath or walking back. Maybe then he wouldn't be in this state right now.

Despite the huge height difference and how he often found it funny to see significantly smaller people try to look angry, he couldn't deny that he was absolutely terrified of you at the moment.

Well, who wouldn't be if they had a knife to their throat?

Your eyes were narrowed and it was pretty clear that you had the intent to kill, or at least that's how he felt.

"Being silent won't save you," You said. "Now answer me."

"It's kinda hard to talk when you have a knife close to your throat," Kei said.

"Don't act smart with me."

"But I'm not acting."

"Answer me," You said with a demanding tone.

"The reason why you're here," Kei answered. "I mean, I only heard you talking but I can get from that sentence that you're not here just to be a student, are you?"

"You know, I always thought you were sharp," You said. "But I never thought I'd get annoyed at you for being smart."

"So, what now? You're gonna kill me because you made a mistake?" the blond asked.

You clicked your tongue as you looked at the side.

"I should've just disobeyed T and went to a safer place." You looked at Kei again. "But yeah, that's the deal. That's what we were told to do once our identity has been compromised."

"That's pretty unfair for me. I didn't even mean to hear you," Kei said.

"Life's unfair. Sorry," You said, shrugging.

"What if I just swear that I won't tell anyone?" Kei asked.

You rolled your eyes. "Sure. Like I can trust that. And also, what are you doing? Are you trying to negotiate with me?"

"Well what else can I do? It's either I bargain or I die," Kei said.

You clicked your tongue. "Fine."

Kei's eyes widened a little, not really expecting that to work. You stepped back, removing the knife close to his throat.

The blond, as a reflex, placed his hand where the knife was close to and took a deep breath.

"You better not turn back on your word," You said, pointing the knife at him.

"As if I'm dumb enough to do that," Kei said. "I'm actually surprised that worked."

"I can't really kill you," You admitted, hiding the blade in its handles. "I don't wanna hurt Yamaguchi. Not after the talk we had last night."

"I guess I know now why you were a little off from the beginning," Kei mumbled to himself as he sat on the floor near the corner.

"I heard that," You said. "And I'm a little surprised you picked up on that."

You sighed, not knowing what to do next. Normally, you'd just carry on because you didn't have to worry about the person who caught you. But this time, you let the person go.

"Anyway, I guess I kinda have to explain a little since I don't want you running around thinking I'm an assassin or something," You said.

"So you're not?" Kei asked.

"Not what?"

"An assassin."

"If I was an assassin, I wouldn't have stayed long here or even applied as a student," You said, stating the obvious. "Also, you wouldn't even be alive right now if I was."

Kei still didn't know how to actually respond. He was still a little shaken from being threatened a little earlier.

Maybe if it were a different person, he wouldn't be as affected since he knew they were probably people desperate for money or something and most likely had no background on martial arts.

But you. You were obviously trained— whatever you were— and you could easily overpower him despite being smaller.

He knew that one wrong step earlier might've just caused him his life.

"I'm an agent," You said. "I was sent here to investigate Shouyou and four other people because they're considered the suspects. That's why I joined the volleyball club."

"Are the other suspects in the volleyball club too?" Kei asked.

"No. And you don't need to know who they are," You said. "That's irrelevant information to you. "

"Not like I wanted to," the blond said. "I just wanted to know if maybe someone dangerous was hiding in the club."

He looked at you and added, "Well, more dangerous than you, that is."

"I'm sure you'd be happy to know that the answer to that is no as well," You said, hiding the knife in your bag.

"So, any other secrets you're hiding?" Kei asked.

Your thoughts went back on how no one knew about you being a girl, making you chuckle a little.

"Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out," You said.

"You better be careful then. You already got caught once," the blond said. "What kind of agent slips up like that?"

"Oh you're not the first one who found out I was an agent," You said, zipping up your bag. "And please don't make me regret sparing your life.

"Someone in the club knows?" he asked.

"No, I'm talking about another mission," You answered, facing him.


"You're the first one to live to tell about it though," You told him.

You stood up and stretched your arms a little.

"I haven't eaten yet, have you?" You said.

"You're just causally asking me if I ate after threatening me with a knife earlier," Kei said.

"Just be glad you're still here," You told him. "And don't worry, I'm not gonna attack you while everyone's asleep."

Kei still felt a little uneasy though. Technically, anyone can kill a person. But knowing that someone actually has the strength to do it makes it more concerning.

"You might not want to believe me right now, but I'm here with good intentions," You said.

"Alright. I'll trust you," Kei said, standing up.

"Really?" You asked.

The blond sighed. It wasn't like he had any other thing to do at this point, right?

"What other choice do I have?" the blond said.

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