E 05

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"Nice work today!" Keishin said.

"Thank you!" the whole team said.

"Alright," the coach said. "Start with the cool down."


Ever since you admitted you were a girl, Hitoka was the one who helped you out during cool down and you noticed she was very cautious with helping you.

"Once everyone is done, let's start packing up," Daichi commanded.


When you were finally satisfied with your cool down, you helped around with picking up the balls scattered around the court.

"Where's the volleyball cart?" You asked with about three volleyballs in your hand.

"Here," Kiyoko said, wheeling the cart towards you.

"Thank you, Kiyoko-san," You said, placing the balls inside the cart.

"Will you stay for late practice?" Hitoka asked, walking to you.

"I'd love to but I can't," You said. "Not today."


After helping around, you headed to the club room that the girls use. You were the first one to arrive so you were the first one to finish as well. Kiyoko and Hitoka arrived soon after you did. You grabbed your bag and waved goodbye to the two managers.

"See you tomorrow!" You shouted as you ran to the door, ready to leave the club room.

"See you tomorrow, [Name]!" Hitoka said, waving goodbye.

"Get home safely," Kiyoko said, waving as well.

You smiled and nodded before fully leaving the room.

You went down the stairs while gripping on the strap of your bag. Once you reached the last step, you stopped and looked at the gym. You grabbed your phone from your bag and took a quick picture of the gym.

You smiled at the screen before putting it back to your bag. You walked towards the gym and saw that it was still unlocked.

"Maybe Daichi-san will lock it later," You mumbled to yourself.

You took a deep breath as you looked over the empty gym. It has been at least five months already since you joined the team but you still couldn't believe how things went down. You actually loving volleyball and the team, you revealing your identity, and the team accepting you despite lying to them about who you were.

You were extremely grateful for them and you still will be after you leave.

"You look like an idiot."

"Huh?" You said, jumping a little as you looked to the side to see who said that.

"I said, you look like an idiot," Kei, who you didn't even notice walking up to you, said.

"What did I do to you?" You asked, frowning at him.

"Bye," the blond said, walking away.

"Wait wait," You said, jogging to him. "I'm gonna walk with you."

"Whatever," Kei said as the two of you walked to the gate of the Karasuno campus.

"Where is Yamaguchi?" You asked, noticing that the green-haired boy wasn't there.

"He said he was gonna practice more," Kei answered.

"Ah," You said, nodding. "Good for him."

The two of you continued to walk in silence. You looked forward with a blank stare as you take each step. Kei glanaced at you for a second, taking note of your unusual attitude, before looking forward again.

"What were you worrying about earlier?" Kei asked.

You looked at him, a little surprised with his sudden concern.

"Nothing," You said, looking away.

"You're really a bad liar for someone who can act," the blond said.

You chuckled a little at his statement. It was true though. Once the person knew you— the actual you, it was gonna be harder for you to lie towards them.

"I'm not lying," You said, crossing your arms.

"And I don't care about you," Kei said with the most monotone voice.

"Hey!" You shouted to him after hearing what he said.

You glared at him and saw his amused expression. Your face turned to a confused one when you caught on to what he did.

"Wait," You said, pausing a little. "You were lying?"

"I don't know," Kei said, shrugging. He looked at you with the same amused look and asked, "Was I?"

You started laughing as you realized you were right, that the blond indirectly admitted he cared about you.

"You're a hard one to read, Tsukishima," You told him with a smile.

"Like you," Kei replied.

You sighed out loud while looking up towards the sky.

"I'm really gonna miss you," You said, diverting your look towards the blond.

"That's it?" Kei asked, looking at you.

"Huh?" You said, not understanding what he meant by that.

"That was what you were thinking of?" the blond asked, clarifying what he meant earlier.

You started giggling when you realized he had read you like a book.

"Would you like to be an agent?" You asked out of the blue.

"Huh?" Kei said, a little surprised with the out of topic question. "No thanks."

"You'd be a great one!" You exclaimed with a grin.

"No thanks," the blond said, denying your offer again and walking a little faster.

"What a waste," You said, pouting a little as you caught up to him. "That would've been one less person to miss."

Kei looked at you and clicked his tongue.

"You're not the only one who's gonna feel that way when you leave, idiot," he mumbled— soft enough for you to hear.

You looked at him with a confused expression that shifted to a smile. You poked him on his side continuously to annoy him.

"Is that you're way of saying you're gonna miss me when I'm gone?" You asked, still poking him.

"I'm talking about the team," Kei said, looking at you.

"Oh," You said, a little disappointed that he didn't say yes.

"That includes me, doesn't it?" the blond added— this time, looking away.

You smiled and giggled as you heard him say that before calming down

"I'm glad," You said, the smile still on your face.

"About?" Kei asked.


Out of everyone in the team, you could say that the one person you trusted the most was Kei. He might've not been the person you were closest to at first, but once he found out your secret, you also started feeling more comfortable around him. 

"If you weren't going to miss me, I was actually gonna be a little sad," You admitted, pouting a little.

The blond shook his head a little before chuckling.

"You laughed!" You exclaimed, pointing at him. "You laughed!"

"I didn't," Kei said, rolling his eyes.

"You did!"

Transparent [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now