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After the phone call with Seven, you ran to the room that the Karasuno team would be sleeping in. Everyone was startled by the sudden opening of the door and you walking inside without a single word.

"[Name]?" Tadashi called out.

You didn't respond. You only zipped open your bag, left your personal phone in it, grabbed the agency phone and walked out again— closing the door once you did.

You continued walking out of the building and towards the open space that the Shinzen High campus had. After looking around and making sure that no one was within earshot, you opened the application that the agency developed and clicked T's contact.

"606. BM10. 21," You said as soon as you heard her pick up.

"Agent?" T asked. "What are you calling for?"

"Is Three there?" You asked.

"Agent 352?" she said. No."

"You sure?" You asked, your growing desperation being more evident.

"If he was here, I'm sure I would've known. Why?"

Although you had already seen it coming, you still couldn't stop yourself from getting weak when you heard that even T had no idea where Maki was.

"Agent, what happened?" T asked after not hearing any response from you.

"I don't know where he is," You said— your voice starting to quiver.

"Where are you right now?" T asked.


"And you're there why?"

"T this isn't the issue right now!" You shouted. "I don't know where Three is and I have no idea how to look for him."

"Can't Agent 790 track him down?" T asked.

That question threw you off a little bit. You remembered how Seven had told you that T didn't know where he was so you had to choose you next words carefully.

"I haven't contacted Seven yet," You said.

"Uh huh," T replied. "Sure."


"Agent, I want you to listen carefully since I don't know who's listening," T said,  cutting you off.

"Okay," You mumbled.

"I know where Seven is. Four and Five will go there. I'm counting on you," she said with a quick pace.


"Don't trust the agency for now."

Before you could even reply, you heard the door from the other end of the call being opened and within a second, the call was over.

You put the phone away from your ear and looked at the screen.

"What the hell is happening?" You asked to no one in particular.

You walked towards the stairs of the Shinzen High campus and sat down on the first step. You groaned out loud in frustration before sighing.

"You'll wake up everyone else with your shouting," someone behind you said.

"Tsukishima, I'm not in the mood," You said, not even bothering to look at whoever was behind you. From only the sound of the voice, you were able to tell who it was.

"You haven't been for the whole day," Kei said, taking a seat next to you.

You clicked your tongue before turning towards him.

"Why are you here?" You asked.

"Noya-san and Tanaka-san were loud," Kei answered, still facing forward.

You just chuckled and faced forward as well.

"You've been pretty distant," the blond said, glancing at you a little.

"Really?" You said with an amused tone. "I haven't noticed."

"Is.. Um." 

You looked at Kei with a raised eyebrow, not getting what he was trying to ask.

"Um what?" You said.

"Is something wrong?" Kei asked.

You laughed out loud once you heard that come from him.

"You should stop pretending to care," You said, standing up. "It doesn't suit you."

You turned and walked away from the blond.

"Suga-san asked me to ask you that," Kei said, turned towards you while still sitting on the step.

You gave off a short chuckle and bobbed your head before turning towards the blond.

"Figured as much," You said before turning and walking away again. "Don't worry, I'll tell him I'm okay."

Kei watched you walk away before facing forward again and looking up. He sighed.


For the ride home. you decided to sit on the back of the bus beside the pile of bags that the others brought. You glanced at your personal phone again and rang Maki's contact. After not getting an answer again, you closed your phone and leaned back before glancing outside again— trying to focus on the view outside.

You still felt restless though. And that's how you still felt when you and the team arrived at the Karasuno campus.

"Is everyone sure that they have all their stuff?" Ittetsu asked once everyone was off the bus.

The team gave a mix of 'yes' and nodding as their response. Once things were settled, everyone started leaving.

"You're not going home yet?" Daichi asked.

"I'm just waiting for someone," You said, smiling at the captain. "I won't stay long here."

"Okay," he said, nodding. "Get home safely."

"You too, Daichi-san," You said, bowing a little.

Once you saw that you were alone, you looked at the building.

'The only places I know Three could've gone to is our branch's building, the street he always sees Takayama walk by, or this place. He wouldn't have stayed overnight at any place other than the branch's building but T already said he wasn't there and I can't contact her right now. Should I go home right now and help Seven or should I go look for him myself?'

"Damn it," You mumbled to yourself. "I don't know what to do."

"Are you really waiting for someone?"

You turned and gave Kei a confused look.

"I thought you left already?"

Before the blond could answer, your phone started to ring. Your eyes widened as you saw the contact name.

"Three!" You shouted to the phone, relief overwhelming you. "W-Where are you?"

"Don't worry," Maki said. "I'm okay."

Your eyebrows furrowed as you noticed how tired he sounded.

"Where are you?" You asked, your voice softening. "Tell me. I'll go there right now."

"Don't," he said with a breathy voice.

"Three. Tell me," You begged.

"Just go back home."

"Three, I swear-"

"Bye, [Name]," Maki said. His voice was tired but it felt like you could hear the smile on his face. "I love you."

"Three!" You shouted, but it was too late. He already hung up.

You started panicking, not knowing what to do. Even just from the call you were able to tell that Maki wasn't in a safe situation and his call to you came across as something like a goodbye.

"Shit," You said, having no idea what to do next.

Transparent [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now