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You chuckled as you watched Shouyou and Tobio run to the bathroom while also challenging the other on who will be the faster one to take a bath. The moment they left though, your smile dropped and your eyes tiredly shifted to the side of your futon.

There laid your neatly folded orange uniform. A small smile made its way to your face as you stared at it with dejected eyes.

The day before, the line-up for the Nekoma match was announced and as expected, you weren't in it. You knew that without a doubt, Keishin would pick Yu over anyone else as the team's libero.

Still, you couldn't deny you were a little down that you didn't get the chance to play against Nekoma.

'Normally, in situations like this, everyone would just say practice and improve because I'll get my chance anyways. Maybe in the third year or so. But my situation is everything but normal.'

You placed your hand over your uniform. Earlier, when they gave your uniforms, you were more than thrilled to receive it.

13. That was your number.

When you first saw your number, you couldn't help but chuckle at how you got the so-called unlucky number.

'I wonder if I'll ever get to play in a match with this uniform.'

You didn't know if you'd even reach the next practice match with another team. Your time with the team was indefinite and all you could hope was that you'd have the chance to play with them before you go.

"What's with that face?"

You turned your head to look at the only two people in the room as of the moment— Tadashi and Kei.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Tsukishima," You said.

"I don't get you," Kei said with the most unamused tone.


"First, you looked like you didn't like volleyball at all. Then you do."

'Wait. How did he know?'

"I don't know what you're talking about," You said, smiling.

You turned and grabbed your towel. Before standing up though, you looked at your uniform and sighed softly.

"I'm gonna go," You said, walking out the room. "Take a bath, I mean."

"[Last Name]," Tadashi said, calling out to you. "Are you okay?"

You looked at the green-haired boy and couldn't help but feel like he would've been able to understand the disappointment in you considering how you two are the only first-years who aren't regulars.

"I'm good," You replied with an ok sign.

Still, he wouldn't be able to fully understand you though.


"Kenma!" Shouyou shouted, running to the boy. "Hey, you're with Nekoma?"

"Oh. Yeah," Kenma replied.

"Yo, Kenma!" You greeted, walking towards both of them.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Shouyou asked.

"Because you didn't ask," Kenma replied.

"Technically, he did but you had to leave right before you could answer," You said, chuckling a little at Shouyou.

"But you said see you soon. You must've known something," the orange-haired boy said.

"Dummy. Our school's name is on our shirts," You said.

Transparent [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now