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You sighed, looking at the sky. You glanced at your watch and read the time softly. 12:45.

"Lunch?" Maki asked.

"Lunch," You agreed.

The meeting with T ended earlier than any of you expected. Because of many reasons, you and Maki opted to commute home instead.

"Where do you wanna eat?" Maki asked.

"Let's just go to the closest fast chain," You replied. "Wcdonalds, right?"


"Okay, let's go," You said, walking away from the agency building.


"Something's wrong," Maki said as you kept mindlessly poking your ice cream with a spoon.

"With what?" You asked.

"With you," he replied. "Also, you barely touched your meal."

"Oh," You softly said as your attention went to your barely eaten burger. "I'm full."

Maki rolled his eyes, not buying your excuse at all.

"Don't even try to lie. What's wrong?" the black-haired boy asked.

You stayed silent a little before replying.

"I just had a lot to think about."

You heard Maki sigh before continuing.

"I'm assuming it's not connected with our homework since you would've told me right away if it was," he said, his glance moving from the table to you. You knew by homework he meant mission but since both of you were in a public area, he had to change it a bit.

"It was about the game yesterday," You admitted.

"What about it?"

"We lost."

Both of you paused for a moment and didn't talk. Your eyes were on your ice cream while Maki looked at you.

"It's not your fault, you know?" he said with a soft voice.

You nodded gently.

"But maybe if I wasn't there then things would've ended way better," You said.

"You can't say that," Maki told you l. "Also, why is it bothering you this much?"

"I know I shouldn't have gotten attached since we're going to leave anyway." You scooped the ice cream and placed it back in the cup repeatedly. "But I just wanted to win a tournament with the team before I go, you know?"

"Seems like you really like your team," Maki said.

You stopped bothering the poor ice cream you bought but didn't even eat. You placed both your elbows on the table and looked at Maki.

"Why didn't you stop me?" You asked.

"From what?"

"From getting close to them."

"I've learned not to doubt your decisions since they always end up being the right ones," Maki replied, chuckling a little as he remembered when you two just started working together as agents. "I should know. I tried to go against one of your actions only to apologize right after because I was wrong."

You chuckled a little as well before returning to your serious expression.

"Is this right though?"

"As long as it gets the work done then no," Maki answered. "Besides, I think it was completely inevitable."

You gave him a confused look as you asked, "What was?"

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