S 01

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You are the type to joke around and act all goofy. Still, you knew how to be serious and your own teammates would often say that you showing your serious side exudes so much dominating aura that they're happy your default mode is the smiley version.

However, you yourself knew that although you act all carefree, that's one thing you can't be when you're an agent. You can't let even the tiniest detail slip or else it might derail the whole mission. You are the most calculative and the best planner in your team.

Three, on the other hand, has always been the more serious type. Both on and off missions. He, however, also had quite a soft side and he would often crack a smile every now and then because of your silliness. You can say with pride that you're the closest to each other. Also, you both work really well because of how good he is at piecing the puzzle in certain situations that you miss.

While you are obviously the constructing type, he is the analyzing type. Which makes you two a perfect team for the current mission.

Because of the situation, you two decided on a persona to portray. To make things easier since you both don't know how long the mission will last, you two modeled your personas after the personalities you already had.

Three was going to be the serious sibling while you were the goofy one.

The hard part? Acting all careless without being too obvious that you are actually very careful with not slipping up.

"Ready?" Three asked.

"Sure am," You said, sliding open the door to Class 1.

"Oh, I was wondering when you two would come," said the woman in front of the whole class.

"We apologize for taking long," Three said, bowing.

The staff had absolutely no idea about your real agenda. To them, all you two were two siblings who applied late for school because both of you had to do an urgent transfer.

"Ah, it's okay! If you would, please introduce yourself to the class," the teacher said, gesturing to you two to take over the platform.

You bowed a little as you stepped to the small wooden stage in front of the class.

"Good morning everyone!" You exclaimed, waving your hand. "I'm [Last Name] Shin."

"I'm [Last Name] Maki," Three said, introducing himself with his fake name.

"You're brothers?" Someone from the class asked with his hand raised.

"Yeah!" You said with a grin.

"You don't look that alike," the same person remarked.

You glanced at Three, or as you now would call him— Maki, and took note of his physical features and compared it with yours.

Was there really no resemblance?

Short black hair. Reddish brown eyes. Sure he was way taller being 174.8 cm while you were barely 161- 160.87 cm to be exact. And yes, the hundredths digit was important. In terms of facial features, his looks were far more sharper than yours— probably because of how serious he is most of the time.

"Adopted brothers," Maki clarified.

"Still brothers!" You said with a wide smile. "Long story."

You wanted to avoid telling your made-up life story. Sure you two planned one, but you didn't want to say such things if not necessary.

"Who's older?" A girl from the second row asked.

"Maki-nii is!" You said, placing an arm over his shoulder.

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