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Asahi tried to do another serve but failed to achieve his goal again.

"Damn it," he said.

Asahi grabbed another ball and tried to do a jump serve but Yu came by quickly— out of nowhere— to receive it.

"Asahi-san!" Yu said, sliding to receive the ball.

Asahi shouted in surprise to see Yu suddenly there.

"Mind if I join you?" Yu asked.

"Oh, yeah. Sure," Asahi replied.

"Me too! Me too!" You shouted, running from the entrance.

"Oh, Shin!" Yu said, grinning at you.

"Can I?" You asked, looking at Asahi.

"Sure," the third-year said.

"Would you mind hitting some of my tosses? Yu asked Asahi.

"Yeah, sure," Asahi said, before suddenly realizing what Yu had said. "Uh, wait, what?"

"Tosses?" You asked.

"You're going to toss?" Asahi asked.

"I'll help you with your serves too, Asahi-san," Yu said.

"Sure. Let's do this," Asahi said.

"All right!" Yu said, raising his arms.

"Wait a minute," You said. "By tosses you mean the one the Seijoh libero did?"

"Exactly!" Yu exclaimed.

"Uwah!" You shouted. "I wanna do it too! Let me try too!"

"You sure you got what it takes?" Yu asked, teasing you since you had slacked off a little while.

"What? Afraid I'll take your official libero spot if I learn how to do that move?" You asked back.

"Gah! You wouldn't even let me play when I let you do it almost all the time?"

"Aha! I knew you had some hidden agenda towards that!" You exclaimed, pointing your finger at him. "You wanted me to let you play even if I surpass you!"

"I didn't- Hey!"

You started laughing out loud when Yu cracked from his part from the improvised scene.

"I know I have lots and lots to learn so I'm more determined to run faster than any of you," You said.

"Thank goodness you're back," Asahi said.

"Huh?" You looked at the third-year with a little confusion.

"You were acting off before but now, you're back to normal."

"You noticed too?" You asked.

Asahi just smiled at you before nodding.

"Ah, I'm really sorry for acting that way!" You said, bowing at the two of them.

"It's fine, really. It was your first tournament so it's really easy to get discouraged," Asahi said. "I mean, look at how I was. It wasn't even my first time competing and yet when we lost to Dateko before, I almost gave up."

You lifted and your head and looked at your two upperclassmen who was just giving you a supportive look.

"What matters is you're here now and you're aiming to get better," Asahi said.

"I'll do my best!" You exclaimed.


You covered your mouth with your hand as you tried to suppress your yawn. You and the team were off to Tokyo once again but you had to leave before the sun came out so you'd arrive in time. You had only thirty minutes of rest because all you did after training other than pack was reviewing the record from the cameras around the places where the recent signals were found. You found nothing.

"I'm tired," You mumbled. "Yamaguchi, let me lean on you for a bit."

"Oh, okay."

You leaned forward against Tadashi with closed eyes. You could still hear everyone talking though, especially Shouyou who was extremely loud.

"Oh, man! Oh, man!" Shouyou exclaimed. "Taking off in the middle of the night is pretty exciting!"

'No it's not,' You thought.

Your mind went back to some of the missions that you had to do in the middle of the night.

"Well, you guys were late last time," Ryunosuke said.

"Being an idiot must be nice," Kei said, looking at Shouyou. "You can even sleep on the bus."

"Loud," You mumbled. "Wait a minute, doesn't Tsukishima also sleep in a bus? Right, Yamaguchi?"

"I think he said on on purpose, [Last Name]," Tadashi said.

"Really?" You asked with a tired voice.

"Oh. Takeda-sensei is about to say something," Tadashi said.

"Let's get on the bus already, please," You mumbled, standing straight up before bending your back again— too tired to stand straight.

"We'll be arriving at our destination early in the morning once again. Ukai-kun and I will take turns driving," Ittetsu said.

"Sorry if I nod off," Keishin said.

"Thank you!" Daichi said, which everyone soon followed after.

"Thank you," You mumbled in a soft voice.

"It's the middle of the night, so not so loud," Ittetsu said.

"Oh, sorry. Habit," Daichi said.

"Do you guys have everything? Make sure you double-check," Ittetsu said.

You looked at Tadashi and saw that he was talking to Shouyou. Talking means that if you lean towards that person, you'd hear everything that person was saying. So, no to leaning towards a talking person.

You looked at who was beside Tadashi and saw Kei. Before you even thought of it, you already dropped the thought. There was no way that blond would say yes.

"Ah, I don't care anymore. Kageyama!" You said. "Come here!"

Tobio walked towards you with a straight face.

"Remember when you apologized to me for the whole fiasco but you did it with a flat tone?" You asked. "Now's your time to show your sincerity. Stand still but face the other way."

You leaned on Tobio as you waited for the go signal to enter the bus.

"It's taking too long," You mumbled.

"All right, we're heading out!" Keishin announced.

"All right, Ryu!" Yu shouted. "Let's show them what we're made of!"

"Heck yeah, Noya-san! Let's do this!" Ryunosuke shouted.

"Just shut up and get on." Chikara said to the two.

You moved away from Tobio and headed to the bus, taking one of the seats randomly, not even caring who you got to sit with. All you cared was you were by the window so you could place your elbow on the small edge of the bus by the window and lean on your palm.

As soon as you were comfortable, you took out your earphones and drifted to sleep. You didn't want to think for now about the mission or about Shouyou and Tobio still not on speaking terms.

All you wanted was to sleep.

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