End Note

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This is it. Transparent is officially done.

First, I'd like to thank everyone who gave the time to read this, especially to those who loved it. It truly was one of the fanfics that I've spent a lot on. With all the planning, drawing, and the daily updates— that sadly got destroyed by online classes.

I'd like to address the alternate ending first. I personally loved our guy who we know by three names— Hibiki, Three, and Maki. He was originally just going to be another character who was just there to support the reader much like how Seven/Yukiharu does. 

But, you know that feeling where you just feel your own character falling for the other. Yeah? That's basically what happened. I felt like the two had a deeper connection than just friends and I really wanted to write something where they work out.

Of course, it's still just an alternate ending and the real one is where reader and Tsukki ends up. I just set it on a future setting because of how smoothly it will flow with the last chapter.

As for Tsukki, he doesn't have an epilogue because I think if I did it, it would've been just like how we typically imagine it— either a proposal chapter or already married one. And I think the last chapter already summed up their story well.

Up ahead is a long note of the whole process. If you don't want to read it, I'll put a sign on the start and end of the whole notes.


The idea

Transparent had a whole different concept and the only thing that remained was the fact that reader cross-dresses. The reason the whole agent thing came to mind is because I wanted to write something more than just the usual. Also, I just really wanted to be unique and if this idea isn't, then I hope at least that the way it was presented was unique.

The planning

I have a whole document for this and it has a chapter per chapter summary. It, of course, gets edited along the way and there were some deleted and added chapters. I think it took me about three straight days to plan it considering how I had to think of the whole plot then go into details.

The struggle

I had a feeling that it wouldn't be as read as others because of the fact that it wasn't centered around romance but I don't regret making it as such. I think it was a good thing to build-up something she'd like first, something she'd stay for and volleyball was the trigger to all that. I didn't want her to give up her work just because she fell in love. I think that idea is not really that good because of how it's always done. I don't think love should be the reason you give up anything. There may be situations where I'd recommend you should but honestly, I can't think of any.

The contentment

This is, by far, the longest one I've wrote. And the fact that I'm writing this end note now really makes me feel happy. I was able to dedicate this much time and I don't regret ever doing so. 

Could I have written this better? Yes. But, for now, I won't do any rewrites because if I do, I don't know how drastic my changes will be.


That's all. Farewell for now, sadly. I'll do one-shots every so often but I can't promise a new book yet. I do have ideas, plenty of them, but I don't have the time. I'll pile up on the drafts first but to give an idea of what the next book is, here is the title and synopsis.


Seven years after graduating from college, Tsukishima happened to meet a young child who looked exactly like him except she was a girl. What's more intriguing is the fact that she called her mom, who seemed to be someone he knew. His ex-girlfriend.

The story is about learning how and IF they should even try loving each other again. And if they do, for whose sake is it really? Theirs or their daughter?

I'm definitely excited to dive in to the question of whether or not second chances should be taken and one other thing [the other topic will be revealed in the book of course].

So, until I have time to write again, this is goodbye.

See you all, hopefully, in my next book.


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