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"Pork buns?" You asked, hearing that word the moment you entered the locker room.

"Yeah! Daichi-san's gonna buy each of us one!" Yu exclaimed.

"He will?" You asked, putting in your used clothes in your bag.

"He will. So come with us!" the second-year said, basically dragging you out with your wrist.

"Okay. Okay," You said, chuckling.

Even though you really loved the team, you'd often skip out on things like this. It's not that you didn't want to join them. You just had other things to work on.

But sometimes, it wasn't bad to let yourself do what you actually wanted to do.


"It's yummy," You said, taking a bite into the pork buns.

"Right?!" Shouyou exclaimed.

You smiled at your friend as you continued to chew on your pork buns.

'They're warm,' You thought as you took another bite and looked at your teammates.

When you said that in your mind, you were talking about both the pork buns and your team. You were more than grateful to be experiencing this very moment with them.

Shortly after, the other members started to leave once they finished. You, who had just finished yours, entered the store and bought two more before bidding goodbye to whoever was left.

With a smile, you walked alone with the plastic bag in your hand. The moment you turned, you were met with a black-haired boy who was leaning against a lamppost. You smiled at the boy as you held up the plastic bag in front of him.

"I bought you pork buns," You said.

"Thanks," Maki replied, grabbing the bad and looking inside. "Two?"

"I bought two incase you want another one. They're really good!" You said, smiling brightly.

"You can have the other one then," Maki said, handing you the pork bun before grabbing the plastic and placing it in his pocket.

"Okay," You said, smiling as you grabbed a bite. "Also, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead," he said, taking a bite as well into the bun. "Oh it is good."

"See? I told you," You said with a grin. "Anyways, not here."

Maki nodded— not saying a single word. He understood that what you wanted to talk about was something mission related and thus wasn't something you should talk about in the open.


The moment you two arrived in your foster parents' house, you immediately asked your fellow agent to meet you in your room after he changes. It didn't even take him more than five minutes to go to your room all changed.

Once he was, you didn't hold back on what you were thinking.

"What?" Maki asked, leaning against your door.

"I told you I don't think Shouyou is involved at all," You said, crossing your hands with your back against on your wall.

"And your basis is?"

"M-My instincts," You said, shifting on your sitting position on your bed.

Maki shook his head lightly with a small smile on his face. He walked towards you, sat beside you on your bed, and turned to you.

"I believe you," he said.

"Huh?" You muttered, turning to him.

Maki placed a hand on your head and ruffled your hair.

"As long as it's you, I'll believe you Six. You know that," he said with a soft expression.

"Thanks, Three," You said, before grabbing his hand and removing it from your head with a pout. "But I told you not to call me that during our mission."

"Not like anyone's gonna hear," Maki said, shrugging. "Also, you called me Three."

"You might slip-up," You said. "And I only said that because you did first."

"When have I ever slipped?" he replied, smirking at you.

Never. That was the answer.

You and Maki had always have a good relationship with each other even before the whole agent thing. He was always there by your side and you were grateful he was. There was no other person you trusted more than him.

"Anyway, I believe you and I'm sure Agent T will as well," Maki said, before turning to you with a worried face. "But you and I both know that the ones in the main building won't."

"I know." You looked down with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, there's only one thing left to do."

"And that is?" You asked, looking at Maki.

"Find who's actually behind this," Maki answered. "You can go and look for evidence that it isn't Hinata but the best evidence to prove he's innocent is to get whoever's behind this."

"To do that, I need to maximize my time with finding the actual person we're looking for," You said, your closed fist in front of your mouth as you thought about it. "That means I need to leave the volleyball team."

"If you ask me, I think it'd be best that you stay in it."


"If Hinata isn't the guy then it's more likely he's the person being used as a fall guy," Maki explained,

"You mean they made sure it's Shouyou we're going to target the most?"


You became a little angry at the idea that someone used Shouyou— who had no idea at all— because they thought it would be easier to have him be the one to take the fall if ever things went south.

"Well, what else do we know?" You asked.

"I kind of think that there's this person who's also least likely to be involved."



"The class representative?" You asked, again.

"Yeah," Maki said, nodding.


"It was mostly by luck but I heard him talking to his friend on how he planned to run next year as a member of the student council," the black-haired boy said.

"You sure he didn't know you were there?" You asked.


"Then it means....."

"He already has plans for next year," Maki said, finishing your sentence, "And if he does, then that's completely contradictory to the plans of whoever is developing the program, considering how with what we know, it's possible to finish it within the year."

"So right now, our main suspects are Iwata, Takayama, and Okuda," You concluded.

You groaned, leaning on Maki's shoulder.

"How are we gonna do this?" You said, under your breath.

"We'll figure out. We always do," Maki said, leaning on you as well.


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