P 21

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You sighed. It was a Monday morning but you were still on your bed.

"I wonder if Maki is awake already," You mumbled to yourself.

You sat up and stretched your arms before standing up from your bed. You knocked at the room next to yours and when you didn't get any reply, you decided to just go downstairs and grab a morning drink.

"Good morning," You said, entering the dining room and leaning on the door frame.

"Good morning, Shin."

You looked at Maeko, your foster mother, who was sitting on one of the chairs and drinking something— coffee, you assumed— from her cup.

"You're up a little later than usual," Maeko said, placing down her cup. "I'm assuming you won't be going to school then?"

"No," You said, smiling at her. "Maki and I need to talk about things. Specifically one about the other night." 

You and Maki still haven't discussed the call with T but you did agree to do so today. This time, the two of you weren't going to talk about the mission. The discussion would be around how the agency was acting.

"Well,I won't bother you if you need to do something," Maeko said, before taking another sip from her cup. 

"Actually, I want to sit down for a while with you," You said, walking towards one of the chairs. "If you don't mind, that is. Besides, I don't think Maki is up yet."

"Be my guest then," Maeko said, smiling at you while gesturing to the chair beside her. "The hot water is in the thermos, as usual."

You nodded and grabbed a cup from one of the shelves before taking a seat and preparing your drink.

"Maeko-san," You said, grabbing your cup.

"What is it?" Maeko asked. Her voice felt soft and warm to hear.

"I'm just curious," You said, looking at your drink.

"About?" Maeko asked.

"Why did you stop being an agent?" You asked, a little curious. "I mean, I know about the injury you got. But, from what I read about you, you were also great with working around behind the computer and gathering data."

"You read about me?" Maeko asked, a little surprised.

"Ah, sorry if you feel bothered about that," You said, bowing a little at her.

"Not really. It's okay," the woman said, waving her hand a little bit. "Technically, the days I spent as an agent are all owned by the agency. It's information they can easily dispose or use."

"That is true," You said, remembering how even though you or any of the agents don't exist, the agency technically owns you.

"Maybe that's one of the reasons I stopped," Maeko said.


"I can't say there's this one definite reason as to why I left that part of me. It's more of a compilation of many ones," Maeko said.

"Did you regret ever being one?" You asked.

"No," the woman said, shaking her head lightly. "I liked it at some point. Besides, it really helped me get a more stable life. The payment was high and honestly, that was all I wanted at that point."

"You joined because of money?"

"Yeah," Maeko said, nodding. "You didn't though, did you?"

You shook your head with a little smile.

"I remember your case," Maeko said, leaning back on her chair. "Maki was in there too, wasn't he? Well, I'm sure the two you still went by your actual names during that time since you were in the case as civilians and not as agents. Just children stuck in an unfortunate situation."

"Were you in that case?"

"No," Maeko answered, "But Hayato was. I was already relieved from my duties at that point. He told me how it went down."

"I remembered that day clearly," You mumbled. 

"Sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's okay, Maeko-san," You said, smiling at her.

"Anyway, back to why I left," Maeko started. "I think I was just done with being an agent. Other than getting an injury to the leg, I didn't really have any more need to continue with it. My goal was complete. I got money I needed. I was so ready to leave my life as an agent behind."

"But, your link to the agency was kept," You said.

Maeko nodded. She took a sip before sighing and looking at you.

"Have you heard of other agents who resigned?" she asked.

"Not much," You said.

"That's because if you did your part well, you can go out living as the person you were before or maybe a whole new one if you wished," Maeko explained. "I didn't play my part well."

"Because you got injured?" You asked.

"Because I fell in love with another agent," Maeko answered.

The agency had a set of rules like how many establishments are. One of those rules is that it's not allowed for an agent to be in a romantic relationship with any other agents. As for relationships with civilians, they must be completely cut off.

"I know that look," Maeko said, smirking at you.

"Huh?" You asked, surprised.

"So I wasn't mistaken, huh?" Maeko said, looking up the stairs.

You looked down at your cup and brought it up your lips without taking a drink. It wasn't a memory you were ashamed off. But it did bring some unpleasant feelings back whenever you remember it such as disappointment and a little hint of sadness.

"You knew?" You asked, your voice echoed a little by the cup.

"I had an idea from the first day you and Maki came here," Maeko said. "The things you give up as an agent. And a very young one, I might add. Must've sucked, huh?"

"A little," You said, chuckling. "That's long gone though."

"You sure?"

You nodded.

"Anyway, Hayato and I got together the day before I stopped being an agent," Maeko continued. "We thought we'd be safe by then. We were mistaken though. Before Hayato left, the agency somehow found out."

"That's why you and Hayato-san are still connected to the agency," You muttered.

"Don't get me wrong. The agency is a strict one, but it's a good place," Maeko said.

"A strict one...."

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