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You squinted your eyes towards Zero as you walked into his office with Four just following behind you and closing the door.

'He knew we were coming for him,' You thought.

Of course he did.

"Good morning Agents. Have you had a pleasant day so far?" Zero asked with a smile on his face and his hands clasped together on the table.

"Cut the crap. You're coming with us and you're turning yourself in," You said, stopping halfway through the room so he couldn't grab the gun in your hand. "Or else."

"Or else what, Agent 606?" Zero asked. "You'll shoot me?"

"Don't taunt me because I just might," You said to him. "You... You treated us like toys. You sent us to a mission that you created yourself and then you even used your own son as a suspect. "

"Oh, that part? My dear son Orochi came up with that bit all by himself," Zero said with a proud look on his face. "Can you believe that he was actually helping with the coding of the whole program? That sweet, smart child."

"Stop acting like you've done nothing wrong!" You shouted at him. "You are planning to use this advanced technology to step beyond what a person wants to be shared about themselves. You're ridding them of their privacy! Of their freedom!"

"You act like you haven't as well," Zero said with a calm voice.

"What?" Your shoulders dropped, but you still aimed at him.

"You act like you haven't done anything wrong yourself, Agent 606," Zero said, clarifying himself.

You brought down your arms from the surprise.


"Oh yes, I know. I know that you broke a certain rule," Zero said, smirking at you. "But not just that agent. I know everything else as well."

You began to wonder how he could even know that. No one else was around whenever the team called you by your name.

'Unless.' Your eyes widened when you realized what happened.

"It's done, isn't it?" You asked.

"The program?" Zero asked back. "Yes, actually. A little buggy sometimes, sure, but it works without the person knowing."

"You can't do that," Four said."You can't just use that program for people that you want to use it on!"

Zero looked at the blond and smirked at her.

"Ah yes, Agent 459. I haven't forgotten about you, don't worry."

"What?" Four said— getting caught off-guard.

"I know your secrets and I know you know what I'm talking about," Zero said, the smirk never leaving his face.


Four looked like she was ready to end Zero's life, then and there. You lifted your hand and blocked the blonde from moving forward before she could do irrational. You needed to make sure you got all the details about the program before Zero can be shot.

"I'm aware Agent 508 is in this building as well. Probably helping Agent 352 escape."

Zero chuckled.

"I know why you picked her to do that and I actually think it was the best course of action for you. But that's not what I just know," he continued. "I also know just how much you care for Agent 508 as well. And vice-versa, of course."

"I haven't broken any rules," Four said, gritting her teeth

"Yes, I know. Loopholes and all that," Zero said, waving his hand.

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