Prologue: Part 1

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Name: Luke Buck
Ability: ???
Level: ???
Physical Description: 6'1", Midnight blue hair, Slate gray eyes, Wears vest, jacket and tie with uniform.
Ability Description: ???

Luke POV

Damn it. It's been almost a year since I enrolled here, and I'm still posing as a low tier. You know what? I've seen enough. This place is just as bad as everywhere else. It's time for a change. I thought as I walked down the hall. I looked up from the floor to find that I had almost run into someone with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The "great" king of Wellston, who sits atop his throne, not caring what his subjects do to one another. 

Mumbling an apology, I turn away, heading towards my next class.

"Wait." I hear his friend, Holden, say. So I turn around. Only to be grabbed by the collar of my shirt.

"An apology isn't all it's going to take to get yourself out of this mess." Holden says.

"Let go." I say, while glaring at him.

"What did you say?" He responds.

"Let go!" I say, wrenching myself away from his grip. Screw it. "Arlo, I challenge you for the position of King." I say.

"A cripple like you should know your place. I'll deal with this one, Arlo." Holden says. Stepping forward, he activates his ability. Well, didn't want to show my hand so soon, but there's no helping it at this point. I think to myself, activating my ability, causing Holden's to deactivate.

"What the he-" he gets cut off by my punch connecting with the side of his face, sending him to the floor.

"Very well. I accept your challenge. Meet me in the east courtyard at lunch." Arlo says, walking off.

Well, that went better than expected. I say to myself before continuing on my way, ignoring the gossip that had erupted around us.

Arlo POV

Where is he? I've been waiting here for five minutes now, and he still hasn't shown up.

"Ready for a fight?" 

Looking over to my left, I see him walking over to me. Finally. I think to myself. 

"You ready? I've got people to see." I say.

"Relax. As long as you stay down, you can keep your appointments." He snaps back.

Overconfident. I'll deal with this one quickly

"Let us begin."

Holden officiates the match for us

"This is an official challenge for the title of King! The challenger, Luke, versus the king, Arlo!





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