Chapter 57

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Claire POV

John was standing in a massive room - most likely an entryway. Closer to the doors were the rest of the Royals, Adrion and myself. John says something, but I can't hear it from where I am. We all charge at him, none of us activating our abilities. 

Despite having no abilities to copy, John easily repels our assault, taunting us. Knowing it's our only chance, we all activate our abilities, aside from myself and Seraphina, and charge him again. He just activates his own ability, laughing maniacally.

Once again, I jolt upright, eyes dimming, cold sweat covering me head to toe. How the hell did I let it cross my mind that he could change? I ask myself, unable to go back to sleep.

Luke POV

The rest of the week passed without any mention of the criminals' escape. Did they decide to leave us out of it? I wonder, laying down on my bed.

A few hours later has myself, John, Blyke and Remi in the backyard, sparring with our abilities. Remi has improved, now being able to keep her lightning shield up for almost a minute, as well as being able to better focus it, making for a powerful attack. Blyke has improved to the point of being able to generate four beams on each hand, however he still cannot steady himself in the air.

In the middle of a practice battle, the doorbell rings. When I open the door, I see a face that I hadn't expected to see - Vaughn. "Greetings, Headmaster. What do you need?" I ask, letting him inside. "I would like to have a conversation with John, if it's not too much trouble." He says. "Of course it's not. I'll just go get him." I say, leaving Vaughn in the living room to go get John.

"John, Vaughn wants to talk with you." I say, heading back out to the yard. "Okay. Sorry guys, I guess I won't be able to help out today." He says, going to meet with Vaughn. "Alright, let's get on with the fight, shall we?" I say when John disappears inside the house. "Sure, let's do this!" Blyke says. "Okay!" Remi responds, both of them powering up. This'll be fun. I say to myself as they charge towards me.

I can't completely cancel out their abilities, but I can significantly weaken them. With their abilities as powered down as I could get them, it became more of a war of attrition than an ordinary fight, with me dodging most of their attacks, but landing a good amount of physical blows as well. I manage to get hold of Blyke, using him as a shield to get close enough to Remi to throw him at her. Luckily, it works, and I win the fight.

"You guys are definitely improving. Before this, I would have easily been able to cut you both off from your abilities, but this time I had to split my power between you two to weaken you both. Well done." I congratulate. "Thanks." They both say, gasping for air.

Shortly after our fight, John walks back out. "Hey, what did Vaughn want?" I ask. "Just coming to convince me to join the mission." He says dismissively. "And will you be joining us?" Remi asks. "Yeah, I guess I will." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

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