Chapter 47

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Remi POV

"Where's John going?" I ask as John storms out of the infirmary. What could have gotten him so upset? I wonder to myself. "I'll tell you when we get back." Luke says, also leaving. What is with these guys? I ask myself as Doc finishes with his tests on Seraphina. 

"You kids are free to go. I'd recommend you keep this news to yourselves. Some people could do some major damage to someone without abilities before they're stopped." He warns, waving us out of the infirmary.

By the time Luke and John get back, most of the day has passed. I see them sprinting across campus towards the infirmary, Luke gasping for breath. "Hey!" I call out, giving chase. They don't hear me, and reach the infirmary, much to my annoyance. Why are they avoiding us? I ask myself as the rest of the group catches up to me. 

"What's going on, Remi?" Blyke asks. "Luke and John just sprinted straight to the infirmary, and didn't even bat an eye when I called out to them." I explain. "Then let's ask what's up. Look, there they are." Isen says, pointing to where the cousins had just emerged. "Alright." I say, walking over to them with the rest of the group, minus Seraphina, who decided to go to her dorm.

"What are you two up to?" I demand when we walk up to each other. "Thank God Sera's not with you." Luke says, a look of relief on her face. "Why's that? Is there something that you're afraid to tell her?" I ask, curious. "Well, yeah." John admits sheepishly. "Spit it out then." Arlo demands. "Fine. It's about her ability." Luke begins. 

"What about it?" Elaine questions. "Well, there was something weird going on with her aura. It wasn't there." John says. "What?!?!" I exclaim. "Calm down! We're not announcing it to the whole world!" Luke scolds me. "Right. Sorry." I apologize. "Anyways, we managed to find it, and through Luke's ability, bring it back. Doctor Darren currently has it, safe inside a vial." John finishes. "So, how do we get her ability back? Inject her with her aura?" Blyke asks. 

"No. Auras are naturally anchored to their user's body and aura channels. Sera's aura's anchors have been broken. Without those, she will be unable to access her ability. The only way to get it back is to somehow repair those anchors. To that end, Doc is trying to reverse-engineer the substance Sera was injected with." John explains. "So, until further notice, Seraphina has no ability?" Isen asks. "I'm afraid so." Luke says solemnly.

Hello! This is bonus chapter 2 of 6 to make up for the 11th to 17th of August, when I won't be able to upload!

Hope you all enjoy, and I also hope to see you all in the future chapters!

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