Little Dose of Jera

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John POV

The next day, I wake up and go to my closet to grab my uniform - only to realize that my uniform wasn't there. Neither was the closet.

Right. I say to myself. I'm infiltrating EMBER. I remind myself, going over to the dresser to grab one of the gray shirts and a pair of jeans.

While I'm getting dressed, I start to think about what I would normally be doing throughout the day - chatting with the former Royals, training with Remi and Blyke, and talking with Sera on the roof.

I knew that there was nothing I would miss more than talking to her.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door, dragging me back to the present. When I open it, I see Miko standing there in an outfit similar to mine, hands in his pockets.

"What do you need?" I ask. "Well, I was originally here to show you around the facility." He says, walking back to his room before waving me over. "Originally?" I ask, confused.

"Step inside." He says. When I comply, he closes the door and walks over to his dresser, moving it to the side. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Just follow me." He says, crawling through the hole he made by removing a panel.

When we emerge on the other side of the tunnel, I find a small room, most likely a broom closet. "Where are we?" I ask. "This is a room that hasn't seen use for as long as I've been here. The only way in is through the tunnel I led you through. The door's been blocked by something and doesn't open anymore." He says.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask. Instead of answering, he pulls out his phone and swipes a few times, turning it towards me. On the screen is a picture of a girl with bright blue eyes and shoulder length green hair.

"Your face." He says. "What about it?" I ask, looking back at him. "You had the same expression I have whenever I think about my Rana. Figured you could use a place to talk to whoever it is." He says, making his way back to the panel.

When he crawls through, I pull out my phone and check the time. 12 o'clock. Lunchtime. I say to myself with a grin as I press the call button, turning on the camera and putting it on speaker.

"John?" Sera asks, her face appearing on the screen. "Sera?" I reply with a smile. "Where are you? Why aren't you at school?" She asks, concerned.

"My dad wanted me to come home for a few days. Said he missed me." I lie. It would just make it more difficult to talk if she knew where I really was.

"Really? Could have told me first." She says, pouting. "Hey, at least I called you." I say light-heartedly. "Fine. Want to play some slappy-pig?" She asks, waving her phone as if I were there with her.

"Of course." I say. For the next few hours, we do nothing but sit, play, and most importantly, chat. Nothing could match the feeling I get when I listen to her talk.

As they say, though, all good things must come to an end.

Soon enough, the last bell rang, and we ended our conversation. I swear. I begin as I crawl through the tunnel. I swear I'll make my way back to you. Because...

I love you.

Well, here it is. hello_2279, thanks for getting me to write this. Turned out much better than I had thought it would!

Hope you all enjoyed!

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