Chapter 48

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Darren POV

I had just returned to my home, and was running a few basic tests on the blood samples I had gotten from Seraphina. There's nothing wrong here. There's literally zero trace of the drug. No drug should be able to pass through someone's system so quickly. Something isn't right here. I conclude, sliding my chair back and groaning in frustration. 

Of course something's not right. An ability was just taken away! Beyond that, her aura was detached from her? That shouldn't even be possible. There's only one way to figure out how they managed to do this. I say to myself, reaching into my bag, pulling out the syringe with the unknown chemical. Before I can get a chance to analyze it, my phone starts ringing. 

Who would be calling me now? I ask myself in frustration, putting the syringe down and pulling out my phone to see. Leilah. The name reads. I immediately answer the phone.

"Hey Leilah, what's up?" I ask nonchalantly. "Not too much, Darren. What's going on with you?" She asks through the phone. "Something weird happened with one of the kids' abilities. I'm just trying to sort it out." I respond. 

"You know, my company looks into the roots of abilities. Maybe we could do something to help?" She proposes. "Really? You'd do that?" I ask, surprised. "Of course, you knucklehead! I love you! Of course I'll help you out!" She says affectionately. "Thanks, I'll really owe you one!" I say, thankful for her help. "So, where do you want to meet up?" She asks. "I don't really know." I say, embarrassed. "How about the infirmary at Wellston? I'll be in town for a little while." She suggests. "That'd be great! Thanks in advance for your help!" I say. "You don't need to thank me, Darren." She says. "Okay. Well, I'll see you there tomorrow, then." I say. "See you!" She responds, hanging up. 

At least one of us will know what we're dealing with. I say to myself, putting the syringe back in my bag, starting to enjoy my day off.

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