Chapter 71

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Luke POV

Remi and I were just walking around the school, no real destination in mind, and we started chatting. We talked about recent events, issues in the school, and, finally, we landed on the topic of Rei.

"He really was a great person." I say, to which Remi nods. "He was always looking out for others. Even Asslo." She says, causing me to chuckle. "Yes, Arlo was included on that list. But you were at the top." I say. "Come on, I want to show you something." She says, running off, almost losing me in the maze of twists and turns she took.

Before long, we arrived in a courtyard I actually hadn't seen before - one with picnic tables strewn all around. Actually, it was more like a secluded clearing in a forest, since no windows looked onto it, and the only path to it was the twisting one Remi and I had taken. "He always talked about this place." She says. "He and his friends would spend their time here, chatting, laughing and playing their days away. They're actually the ones who brought these tables out here." She says, standing in the middle.

"How'd they manage to get them through the school without Keene noticing? Last I checked, tables are on the list of things you aren't allowed to walk through the school with." I say, genuinely curious as to how they maneuvered the tables through the doors.

"According to Rei, Keene actually convinced Vaughn to help them get the tables in here." Remi says, smiling at the memory. "Now that is a conversation I would like to see." I say, imagining it in my head. "If anyone could manage to convince Vaughn to let them do something as idiotic as this, it would be Rei." I say, chuckling. "It certainly would." Remi responds.

Blyke POV

"IIIIIISSSSSEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!" I yell, chasing the pumpkin-head around the school. Readjusting to school life hadn't been much of a problem for us, since most of our school life revolves around throttling each other, but that doesn't mean it was seamless. Isen had trouble with the press team, barely being able to write an interesting story for days, and I was losing touch with my studies, unable to focus with all that had happened recently.

Back to the present, where I was busy chasing after Isen for doing something very Isen-like (there's no end to what it could be, so just pick something that seems like an Isen thing to do, lol). 

I had finally caught up to him, only to turn around and see one of the most frightening things there was: a pissed Doc with his ability activated. We're screwed. I say to myself, offering Isen as a sacrifice to Doc's rage. "Hey, I'm not going first!" Isen protests, scrambling behind me. "And why not? You started this." I retort. "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO STARTED IT, YOU'RE BOTH COMING WITH ME!" Doc yells, grabbing us both by the collars of our shirts and dragging us to the infirmary.

When we get there, Isen and I start arguing, again, only for Doc to bash our heads together before letting out a sigh. "How did I think that you two would take things more seriously after that whole thing?" He asks himself, handing us each a glass of blue liquid as we glare at each other.

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