Chapter 58

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Vaughn POV

If all goes well with this, we should have EMBER taken down fairly soon. I say to myself as I leave John and Luke's house. Let's just hope nothing goes awry. I continue, making my way back to campus.

The Next Day

John POV

"We're moving tonight. Wear your superhero outfit, and don't let anyone see you." I read the message over twice, making sure to commit it to memory before deleting it.

Luke and I grab our outfits, heading towards the school to meet up with everyone. When Vaughn sees that we're all there, he leads us to his office, where someone none of us know is waiting. "Is this the entire group?" She asks, to which Vaughn nods. "Very well then. Close your eyes." She instructs. When we open our eyes, we're in a very different space from Vaughn's office - a relatively large room, all white with a few people in it.

"What is this place?" Remi asks, turning in a circle. "This is where the criminals you brought me have been held." Vaughn replies, leading us down a hallway. "You will guard Volcan." Vaughn instructs, pointing to Blyke. "Understood." He says, taking up a position beside the door. "Isen, you will guard Glace." He says, stopping next to another door. "Okay." He says, standing beside the door. "You, Remi and Luke, will guard Madrac." He says, pointing to a door, which they then stand beside. "Arlo, you guard Deus." "Will do." He responds, taking up his post. "And you, John, wil guard Miko." He says, coming to a stop outside the last door in the hallway. "Don't disappoint me." He warns, his eyes glowing. "I won't." I respond dutifully. "Good." He says, walking off.

Before I know it, it's already midnight. Time to get this show on the road. I say to myself with a wry grin, activating my ability and opening the door to Miko's cell. "Come on, let's move." I say, leading him out.

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