Chapter 46

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Luke POV

"What do you mean, removed?" John asks dangerously. "I mean, her aura is gone. It's not just suppressed. We're going to have to find a way to anchor her aura and bring it back to her." I explain. "Then we have to go back to where we fought those guys." John responds, leaving the infirmary. "Where's John going?" Remi asks. "I'll tell you when we get back." I reply, following John. 

"John!" I call out to him when we're outside. "Why are you following me?" He questions angrily. "Your ability doesn't let you influence other auras. You need mine in order to bring it back." I explain when I catch up to him. "Fine. Let's hurry." He says, running to the subway station.

When we get where the rest of the group fought Blink and Gemini, I activate my ability, searching for Seraphina's lost aura. "There it is." John says, pointing. Following his finger, I find the purple-tinged aura, and use mine to completely cover it and bring it with us.

3rd POV

"It seems like the injection is quite powerful. Even more so than we had hoped." A cracked voice says. "Indeed. Instead of merely suppressing the aura, it detached it completely. Come, we've more work to do." Another voice responds, leaving the scene.

Luke POV

We had just returned to Wellston, and were hurrying to the infirmary. When we arrive, we find Doc, packing up his kit. "What do you kids want? Why is your ability active?" He asks, annoyed. "Sir, do you have any empty vials or bottles?" I ask hurriedly. If there's nothing to stop this, then the aura will return to where it was. I can't keep this up for much longer. I say to myself. "Yeah, why?" Doc asks. "Open it." I demand. "Why?" He repeats, agitated. "Just do it!" I yell, straining to keep hold of Seraphina's aura. "Fine." Doc says, complying.

I quickly manipulate my aura to stuff Seraphina's into the opened vial, and when I finish, I tell Doc to close the vial. When he does so, I deactivate my ability, falling to my knees, sweat rolling down my face. "What the hell was that?" Doc asks. "There was something weird going on. Seraphina's aura had disappeared. We brought it back, but needed somewhere to contain it so that it didn't go back to where it was. Thankfully, I managed to get it back here and into the vial without losing focus." I explain, gasping for breath every few words.

"So how am I supposed to fix this?" Doc asks. "If you could reverse-engineer the substance in the syringe on your desk, we might be able to re-anchor her ability aura to her. That's really all we can do." I say, catching my breath. "Well, thanks, I guess. You kids had better get going, though. Your friends left a while ago, and wanted an explanation for why you ran off like that." Doc advises. "Thank you, Doc." We say, exiting the room. "What the hell are we going to tell Sera?" John asks as we leave the building, seeing our friends, who start walking towards us.

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