Chapter 13

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Remi POV

"Right. Well, he was a superhero before he was killed by the organization EMBER. After that incident, the Authorities launched an investigation, but never got back to me. When I went to ask them about it, they either dodged the question or told me to leave." I explain. "So then, recently, I've taken matters into my own hands. I've become a superhero, attempting to lure EMBER out into the open." I continue.

"Are you out of your mind?!!" Luke yells. "These people are ruthless killers who murder high-tiers without much difficulty. Have you even thought about what might happen??!!!" He continues. "I have Blyke and Isen backing me up." I say confidently. "So what?" Luke retorts. "There's at least four people in this school who can take you all down on their own. This is an entire organization of people who have had much more time than us to grow their abilities, and you're trying to fight them with one high-tier and two elites? Ridiculous." He continues.

"Luke, calm down. She lost her brother to these people. She just wants justice for this." John empathizes. "... I guess you're right." Luke admits. "I'm sorry, Remi." He says, looking down. "It's fine." I say. "No, it's not." He responds. "I just don't want to see good people put themselves in danger. If I can't talk you out of going… I guess I'll just have to go with you." He says. "Gah, you guys are both insane. But, you're also two of the strongest people I've ever met. I may not like Isen, but Blyke seems like a good guy. You guys'll be fine, no matter who you run into." John says.

"By the way, you want something to eat?" John asks. "No, I should-" I begin. "Yes, you do want something to eat, Remi. John is the best cook in the family. I promise, you won't regret it." Luke cuts me off. "Alrighty then." John says. "I'll whip something up."

A short time later, we were all chatting around the coffee table, eating the delicious meal John had prepared. "I should start heading back." I say. "Why don't we all head back together?" John suggests. "I don't have any objections." Luke says. "Sure." I agree. Before long, we arrive back at the dorms. "See you guys!" I say. "See you Remi!" They respond, walking back to their house.

John POV
"So you really approve of her being a superhero?" I ask Luke. "Of course not." He responds. "I just need to make sure nothing bad happens. When you lose someone, you can become reckless. I want to make sure that she's fine." He says. "So you like her." I say as a statement, not a question. "U-u-uhhh…" he fails to respond, a blush appearing on his face. "Knew it." I smirk. "Just shut up. We both know how into Sera you are." He says back, catching me off guard. "W-w-w-well…" I stutter. "Gotcha." He says with a smirk, and we walk the rest of the way back in silence.

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