Chapter 3

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Luke POV

John, there's some things I'm going to need your help for." I begin.

"Would you elaborate on what those are, Luke?" He asks me.

"I wish to establish peace between the higher and lower ranks. For that, I need all of the Royals on my side. I need a jack I can trust." I say.

"No. I'm not interested in becoming a royal. You of all people should understand that." He retorts.

"I do, however, if we are to stop the abuse against low tiers, the only way to put a permanent stop to this is to abandon the hierarchical structure that exists within the school. For that, I need your help." I confess.

"Well, in that case, what can I do?" He asks.

"Short of publicly exposing your powers, you could convince Seraphina to help my cause. With her, as well as Remi on my side, we just might be able to collapse this house of cards." I say.

"... I'll see what I can do. No promises, though." He replies.

"Thank you, John." I say before departing from the roof.

Arlo POV

What could they possibly be talking about? I ponder. I spotted Seraphina coming down from the roof, and she said that Luke and John are having a conversation. So, I decided to see what they were talking about myself. Now, I backed away from the door to the roof, fleeing down the stairs, away from Luke.

They're trying to bring down the hierarchy?!!? I exclaim inside my head. There's no way that could possibly work. And John has powers? If he has an ability, it's his responsibility to use it for the good of the school. As I walk, I begin formulating a plan to force John into revealing his ability. If I can make him reveal his strength publicly, they won't be able to disrupt the hierarchy and cause chaos. It's a long shot, but if it preserves the hierarchy, it will be worth it.

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