Chapter 21

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Luke POV

"Go!" I yell, causing John to rush towards Arlo, who was still in a casual stance. Just as John's fist is about to connect with Arlo's jaw, Arlo activates his ability, causing John to punch a barrier instead, before Arlo sweeps John's legs out from underneath him, putting one hand on John's throat. "Down already? Pity. I was expecting more." He says, raising his fist. "Thanks for the power." John replies smugly, activating his ability. I can't help but grin as John punches Arlo's arm with a barrier around his fist, letting him hit Arlo harder with no danger to himself, as well as cause Arlo to take more damage from the barrier. "Augh!" Arlo yells in pain, releasing John and stumbling backwards. Getting up quickly, John kicks Arlo in the stomach, sending Arlo backwards, only to be stopped by a barrier. As Arlo turned his head and saw the jet black barrier, his eyes widened in shock. Before he could recover, John was on the move again. Advancing towards Arlo, John expands the barrier slightly, but very quickly, sending Arlo forwards once more - only to meet John's fist, sending him to his back. Conscious, but clearly defeated.

John, surprisingly, keeps his cool and offers to help Arlo back up, which Arlo's pride does not allow him to take. Standing up, Arlo winces in pain as he starts limping to the infirmary, with John trying to help him every step of the way. When they both leave sight, I announce the outcome. "John has dethroned Arlo. John is the new JACK of Wellston." I yell.

Remi POV

"Come on, I didn't even get to finish half of my popcorn!" I hear Isen groan as I just stand there, shocked at how strong John was. I knew he was strong, but I didn't know he was strong enough to take down Arlo so easily… I'm really out of my league when it comes to the other Royals… I say to myself dejectedly. "Holy hell…" Blyke mutters in disbelief. "He destroyed Arlo… it wasn't even close." I say, just as shocked as Blyke. I need to get much more powerful. I say to myself, as we just stand there, staring at the place where Arlo fell.

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