Chapter 63

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John POV

It's been a few days since I received the power boost, and I was training with the help of Volcan, Glace and Miko. I had just defeated all three of them at once.

"Man, I didn't know you'd be so powerful!" Miko said, congratulating me on my new strength. "Yeah, makes us look weak." Volcan says, clutching her shoulder. "At least he's on our side. We'd never be able to stand up to that kind of firepower!" Glace says. "Well, see you guys later! Keon wanted to see me." I say, leaving the training area.

A short walk later, and I'm outside the door to Keon's office, knocking. "Come in." He says through the door. I push it open. "Hello, John. You are adjusting well to your life here, I presume?" He says. "Yeah, I have been." I reply. "And what do you think of your new strength?" He asks. "It's… incredible. I can do so many things that I had never even dreamt of." I say. Suddenly, I notice an aura flaring behind me near the door. When I turn to look, I see no one there. Sensing for other auras, I find only mine and Keon's. "Is something wrong, John?" Keon asks. "No, sir. It's nothing." I say. "Good. You are dismissed." He says, waving his hand. 

When I make it back to my room, I remember the device Vaughn gave me. I've been so focused on growing my power, that I completely forgot about it! I say to myself, pressing the button.

Keon POV

"Did it work?" I ask after John leaves. "Yes, it did. He doesn't even know it yet." The man says, his blood red eyes gleaming. Excellent. I say to myself.

Vaughn POV

Just as I'm about to leave for the night, I hear a ringing sound. Where's that coming from? I ask myself, parting myself down, revealing a small device, identical to the one I gave to John.

Immediately, I turn on my phone, texting Keene. "Get the Royals to my office, now! John's given us the green light." I send the text, calling my teleporting companion.

"What's up, Vaughn?" She asks. "I need you to come to Wellston, now! John's sent the signal." I say, prompting her to appear in front of me moments later. "Be right there." She says, amusement in her eyes. "This is no time for jokes. My associates on their way right now." I say.

10 minutes later, all the Royals, along with Seraphina, Claire and Adrion, are standing in my office, looks of determination on their faces.

"You all understand the plan?" I ask again. "Yes." They respond. "Alright, then. Let's go!" I say, prompting my ally to activate her ability, teleporting us to the approximate location of the device, ending up just outside the facility.

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