Chapter 51

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Remi POV

After our chat, Claire and I returned to our rooms, intending to go to sleep. Needless to say, it did not come easily that night.

John's going to betray us? He's going to fight against us on a superhero mission? There's no way! He would never betray Luke like that. Just in case, I need to be wary of him. I say to myself, taking hours longer to fall asleep.

Next Day

In the morning, I push away the concerns and troubles of Claire's visions in favor of the massive step we're taking on the road to abandoning the hierarchy.

Today's the day we start to turn away from the hierarchy. We're going to hold the first vote for the council members. It's so exhilarating! We're finally making a difference! I say to myself, excited for the day ahead.

"Someone's in a good mood." Claire says, coming out of her room. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. "Why would you be?" She counters jokingly. 

Before long, we've eaten and were heading out the door. We met up with Sera and Elaine on the way out, though Claire was still nervous around them. We chat and laugh all the way to school, where we split up, heading towards our respective classes.

Before I know it, the lunch bell starts ringing. Already? I say to myself, packing up. On my way to my locker, the intercom comes on, Vaughn's voice booming.

"Greetings, students. This is your Headmaster. As you enter the cafeteria, you will notice a table, seated at which are multiple members of our staff. You are to write your vote for who you want to represent your tier at the council for this month. Once you have done that, you may enjoy your lunch. Have a great day at Wellston." Vaughn says.

Well, this is the moment of truth. Let's hope it works. I say to myself, continuing on with my day after I cast my vote.

Just after the last bell rings, the intercom buzzes to life once more. "Hello, students." This time, it's Keene's voice that comes over the speakers. "The results of the vote have been tallied, and the representatives are going to be announced. First of all, the low-tiers." He says, pausing. "We have Roland, and Klaus as our representatives for the low-tier population. For the mid-tiers, we have Illena and Tanner. The elite-tiers are Isen and Holden. The high-tier representatives are Remi and Cecile, and last but certainly not least, we have the god-tiers, Arlo and Luke." During the following pause, cheers and boos could be heard all around the school, no matter where you were. "Representatives, if you could, would you please report to the main office?" Keene concludes, turning the intercom off.

At least some of us made it. I'd better get going! I say to myself, a bounce in my step as I head to the office. We're finally managing to make your dream come true, Rei. I think, continuing on my way.

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