Chapter 41

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Remi POV

"X-Rei! With me!" I hear Luke yell through my microphone. "On my way." I respond, breaking off from the fight and chasing after Luke. Luckily, I can catch up thanks to my lightning. "What are we doing?" I ask him. "We're going after the guy who killed Rei." He responds seriously, shocking me. "You're sure this is the same guy? I don't want to mangle someone who hasn't done anything to me." I reply angrily. 

"Perfect. I knew you'd follow me." I hear a voice say out loud, some distance away. "Show yourself! Stop hiding, you coward!" Luke yells into the darkness. Suddenly, all the street lights go out, flooding the ground in darkness. "You wish for me to fight you? Very well." The voice says, suddenly close.

Luke POV

"You wish for me to fight you? Very well." The man says, right in front of me. Immediately after that, I hear a yelp of pain from Remi, followed by a loud crash to my left. "X-Rei!"I cry out, turning to my left. "Now, now. Never turn your back to an opponent." The man says from behind me before punching me in the back. Turning around, I lash out at him with my daggers - only to meet air. "Let's play this game fairly now, shall we?" The man says, blasting my daggers out of my hands.

"There we are. I haven't introduced myself yet, have I?" He says. "No you haven't. And I don't care who you are." I respond, lunging at where the voice came from. "Very well then. You may call me Madrac." He says, kicking me in the stomach. "I thought you'd put up more of a fight." He taunts, appearing behind me and pushing me forwards. "I'll put up more than a fight." I respond, reducing his power. "My, my, someone has certainly gotten stronger." He continues to taunt. Don't let him get to you. I say to myself, standing still. "Given up already?" He asks. 

What kind of ability gives off such a complex aura? Based on what he's done, I'd say it has something to do with darkness. I guess, still standing perfectly still. Howpp I say to myself, drawing as much power from him into myself as I can. "What are you doing?" He says. "Nothing of consequence." I respond with a grin as I release the energy, focusing on where I imagine Remi landed. Immediately, I appear right beside the wall of a building. Kneeling down, I find Remi. She's conscious, but is dazed enough to fall unconscious if she activates her ability. "Wait here. I'll get you when I finish with him." I tell her, teleporting to my previous location.


Name: Madrac
Ability: Shadowmancy
Level: 9.8
Physical Description: 5'7", full black mask, black trench coat, black plants, black gloves.
Ability Description: Shadowmancy allows the user to move freely in the shadows, appearing wherever they wish as long as they can see or otherwise sense it. It also allows them to twist the shadows, using them as weapons. Their senses are also not hampered by darkness.
Passive: Shadow control

Hello! This is the first of six bonus chapters to make up for the ones I'm going to be unable to upload. Hope you enjoy!

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