Bonus Fight 5

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John vs Luke

The two cousins take their positions, facing towards each other.

"3!" Elaine yells. John takes a calming breath, closing his eyes as he does so. Luke straps his daggers onto the back of his jeans, resting his hands on the pommels.

"2!" Elaine continues. Releasing his breath, John opens his eyes, revealing the golden irises, narrowed with determination. Luke draws his daggers, twirling them around in his hands.

"1!" Elaine calls. John and Luke both take a fighting stance, staying perfectly still as they await the end of the countdown.

"GO!" Elaine says, stepping back as the pair charge towards each other, neither activating their abilities.

Luke slashes at John's lead leg, but the black-haired man spins around, bending his knee to avoid the slash, continuing his turn. As Luke slashes at John with the other dagger, he grabs Luke's arm, stopping the blade in its tracks as he plants his other foot, sweeping at Luke's front. Luke moves his leg closer to John, making it impossible for him to sweep Luke's leg. Moving his back foot, Luke twirls away from John as he does the same, neither one able to gain the advantage in such close-quarters.

The two circle each other for a few seconds, both powering up. During this time, John manipulates his aura, giving himself energy beam, lightning, hunter, healing, forewarn, and barrier. Immediately after, he starts closing the distance between himself and Luke. Luke, knowing what abilities he now has, prepares to draw energy from John to himself when John tries to attack him.

John shoots two energy beams at Luke from either side, as well as calling lightning down from directly above and putting a barrier directly behind Luke, preventing him from jumping back to avoid the attacks. Luke simply smirks, stepping to the side, letting the lightning obliterate one beam, blocking the other with his arm, which he quickly heals before John gets close enough to send a punch at his midsection.

Knowing he can't stand up to a direct assault from John, Luke sidesteps the punch, sliding the blade of his dagger across the top of John's outstretched arm, leaving a narrow cut across it. John, knowing how minor the wound is, doesn't waste energy healing it, choosing instead to continue attacking. They continue in this manner for a few minutes, John combining and separating the abilities he has copied, and Luke dodging them, using as little energy as possible to sidestep, deflect or block the incoming attacks.

At this point, both cousins have expended a good amount of physical energy, though their auras were still radiating with power. They both knew that they could duel with their abilities to a stalemate, so they both choose to deactivate their abilities, charging at each other one last time, both knowing the outcome of this skirmish would decide the victor of the battle.

Luke slashes downward to the left with his dagger, forcing John to come to a halt before he can throw a punch. Continuing the movement his slash had started, Luke pivots on his left foot, extending his right to strike John in the side. John blocks the kick with his forearm.

As Luke returns to a defensive stance, John unleashes his own string of attacks. He throws a punch, which gets batted away by the flat side of one of Luke's daggers, following up with another punch from his other arm, which is also quickly deflected. He uses the distraction to kick Luke's front foot, putting him off balance. John uses this opportunity to knock the dagger out of Luke's left hand. Luke regains his balance, sending a punch at John with his now unburdened hand, which the other man easily blocks.

Sending a slash at John, Luke steps forward, making it virtually impossible to send any effective blows to or with their legs. John catches Luke's wrist, sending an elbow at his cousin's jaw, which is also caught. Trying to get their attacks through, the cousins stand there for a good few seconds, practically as still as statues.

"You can't overpower me." Luke says through gritted teeth. "And you can't outmaneuver me." John responds. "Are we in agreement?" Luke asks. "I guess so." John answers.

"Draw!" They both call out, releasing each other as they step back, walking across the field towards the group, Luke picking up his dagger on the way.

Hello! So, this is probably going to be the last part of the story. I'm so astounded that so many people read and voted on this. As of writing this, the story has 11,700 reads, and 485 votes. That's insane! I can't believe that so many people have enjoyed this. Massive thanks to everyone who read this!

See you in the future (hopefully), and I wish you all the best!

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