Chapter 40

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Luke POV

"We're all meeting up at Sera's dorm. She says they found a new target." I read off the screen of my phone before deleting the message and heading over.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long." I apologize when Remi opens the door. "I was helping Adrion out with something." I continue. "Doesn't matter. You made it here, didn't you?" She says. "That I did. And, I brought something for you." I say, handing her my notes and research on EMBER. "What's this?" She asks, oblivious. "This is all of my information on EMBER." I respond, stepping inside. "So where's everybody else?" I ask, looking around. "Right this way." She says, leading me toward one of the bedrooms. 

Opening the door, she reveals all the other members of our group, plus Elaine, who's going to function like first aid when we return. "Alright, so the next target is a guy named Vanti. He's been terrorizing low-tiers in Blayth, so it's going to take about an hour to get there by subway." Seraphina explains. "If members of EMBER show up, we're going to need to stay focused. The other two nearly overpowered us." Isen cautions. "Agreed. It took a Hail Mary play from Luke to take them down last time." Blyke says. "So, when are we leaving?" I ask. "Around 8:30 tonight. If you're late, you're getting left behind. Understand?" Remi explains. "Yes." We all respond.

Later that day

We were all standing outside the subway station with our duffel bags which contained our superhero outfits. "Let's split up into different cars." Remi suggests, to which we all immediately nod our heads. "We all know the rendezvous point, right?" Isen asks, which is met by more nods. "Alright, let's get going." I say as the train pulls up.

Skip to arrival

Once the subway stopped, we all switched into our outfits and met back up outside an abandoned apartment building.

John was in casual clothes with a black ski mask. Seraphina was wearing a purple sweater with a pause emblem in the center with matching pants and mask. Isen was wearing a ninja wrap with casual clothes. Blyke was wearing an all black outfit with a mask similar in style to Volcan's. Arlo was just wearing a masquerade mask with casual clothes. Remi and I were wearing our outfits from before.

John's codename was Joker, Seraphina's was Pause, and Arlo's was Shield. He had wanted to call himself Arlo, and Remi voted for Asslo. After a heated debate and near-brawl, we decided on Shield. "Alright, let's get going." Remi says, following Isen's directions. Before long, we had apprehended Vanti quite easily. And, as if on cue, a man walks out of the shadows. 

"Impressive… it's a pity your lives will end here." He says in a deep voice before charging at us as another man on the other side of us activates his ability. Why does the other one feel so familiar… I wrack my brains trying to figure it out. Wait. I say to myself. Could it be..? I ask myself before confirming that their auras match exactly before charging after him, while the other was still bearing down on the group. 

"Vanguard, what the hell!?!?" I hear John yell through the earpiece. "I'm going after this son a bitch." I respond. "What the hell's the matter with you?" He asks, suddenly appearing in front of me. "That's the guy that killed him." I say, careful not to speak into the microphone. "Fine, but remember, you're not the only one who lost someone that night." He says, understanding immediately before disappearing. "Right. X-Rei! With me!" I yell into the microphone, chasing after Rei's murderer.

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