Chapter 4

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Luke POV

Arlo… you know how this is going to end already. What are you planning?


As usual, I was just wandering around the school, keeping an eye out for any bullying. I know it still happens, but people are just too afraid of me to bully others when I'm around. It's a start, but nowhere near what I'm going for.

"Hey, Luke." A voice calls from behind me. Turning around, I see none other than Arlo walking up to me. 

What is it now? I think to myself.

"I challenge you for the title of King." He says.

"Then I have no choice but to accept." I respond.

"Meet me in the east courtyard at lunch." He says before walking off. I sigh in exasperation.


*End Flashback*

Arlo POV

This has to work. Without Luke to help him, John won't have any choice except to go along with it.


I'd spent the past 20 minutes roaming the halls looking for him. Just when I thought about giving up, I finally saw him, nearing a crowd of people.

"Isen!" I call, getting his attention.

"What is it, Arlo?" He questions.

"I need you to do something for me. Mind if we talk in private?" I ask.

"Sure, let's go." He responds. 

After directing him to an empty classroom, I begin explaining my plan.

"I need you to interview John about his past." I say.

"What!?" He responds, louder than I would like.

"Quiet!" I snap. 

"I need you to bring up a sensitive topic for him to talk about, and his past seems like a good place to start. I'm challenging Luke to a battle for king tomorrow, during lunch. Make sure you get your interview then." I instruct.

"... Ok, then." He responds.

"I'll get you your interview." He says.

"Good. One more thing…" I say.

*End Flashback*

You better hold your end of the deal, Isen. I think to myself as I head to the east courtyard, prepared to draw the battle out as long as possible.

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