Chapter 60

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John POV

We arrive in a grand entrance hall, much larger than the first room we saw in Vaughn's complex.

"So, where do we go now?" I ask, looking around. "You will follow us." Glace says, leading me through a labyrinth of doors and halls before finally stopping at a nondescript white door. "Hey, boss. We've got someone here who helped us escape." He says, knocking on the door in a code. "Send them in." A familiar voice says through the door, sending a shiver down my spine. Please be wrong. Please be wrong. I repeat to myself as Glace opens the door, sending me into a small office room.

"Hello, John. Never thought I'd see you in this building. At least, unrestrained." Keon says, his eyes as piercing as ever.

Remi POV

Finally shaking Luke awake, I show him the piece of paper. "What more instruction do you need? Clearly this means something to Vaughn that we don't understand. You go find him and deliver the message, I'll find the others." He says when I finish explaining the situation. "Alright." I say, leaving the room, running down the halls trying to find someone.

Before long, I arrive back in the main room, where Vaughn is standing, hands clasped behind his back. "Sir." I say, walking up to him slowly. "Yes, Remi?" He says, turning to look at me. "John attacked us, and freed the prisoners. Before he left myself and Luke, he dropped this." I say, handing him the piece of paper.

"Wonderful!" He exclaims, his face brightening. "I'm afraid I don't understand. What about this situation is good?" I ask, confused. "Let's wait for your friends to get here first." He says, turning back around, smiling to himself.

A short time later, the rest of the group arrives, looking from me to Vaughn and back again. "Have you all arrived?" He asks. "Yes, we have." Arlo says. "Then let me explain what exactly happened here." He says, turning around to face us.

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