Chapter 56

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Darren POV

When the door closes behind Luke, we all head towards the back room, where Leilah and myself take a few samples from Seraphina before sending her on her way.

"See, I told you she was handling this pretty well." I say to Leilah once she leaves. "I guess you were right. I was just worried about how she would react around me, I guess." She responds. "Anyway, let's get analyzing this, shall we?" I say, taking the syringe out of my bag.

A few hours later, we've made a bit of progress, but the compound was so complex that it was proving to be incredibly difficult to reconstruct. "How did someone even manage to come up with the idea that this was possible?" I wonder aloud. "You'd be surprised at what people can dream up if given enough time." Leilah replies after another failed attempt.

We continue in this vein for another hour before I hear the door to the infirmary open. "I'll go deal with whoever that is." I say, turning towards the door when it gets pushed open. "Hey, Doc. Hey, sis." Seraphina says, walking through the door, holding her arm. "What happened?" Leilah asks, concerned. "Nothing much. I overextended my arm, and pulled a muscle. John and I also sparred a bit, so I've got some minor injuries." She explains, sitting down. 

"Hold on, I'll mix something up for you." I say, going over to my ingredients, activating my ability. Before long, I come back with one of my tonics, and give it to Seraphina. She quickly drinks it down, and in about a half-hour, she's good to go.

"Thanks, Doc." She says, leaving the infirmary. "Well, shall we get back to work?" I say, sitting down in my chair. "Actually, I think it's about time we leave it for the night." Leilah says, pointing at the clock. 10 o'clock!!? I say to myself, surprised at how much time had gone by. "On second thought, I agree. Let's head out." I say, standing back up.

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