Chapter 68

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John POV

"Just this way!" I say, turning down yet another corridor, stopping just in front of Keon's office. "Let's get this guy." Luke says, pushing the door open.

"Good, you've finally made it." Keon says, standing up, eyes piercing. "Keon, you're coming with us. You've lost." I say, stepping towards him, ability activated. "John, John, John. And here I was, thinking you'd finally understood your position. You have no hope." He says, activating his ability.

Suddenly, I'm standing in the field at New Bostin. Claire, along with half of my class, standing across from me. No. Not this! I say to myself, unable to alter the course of events at all as the students charge me.

Blyke POV

When Keon activates his ability, I get transported to a rooftop. This looks familiar. I say to myself, looking around to see Isen right beside me, as well as Remi down on the street, fighting Glace and Volcan. This time, however, she was alone, and no matter what I did, I couldn't manage to hit either Glace or Volcan. Come on! I yell in my head, Isen screaming at me to hit one of them.

Isen POV

Right after Keon activates his ability, I suddenly fall to my knees on a street, my hands tied behind my back. "Hey, idiot, that hurt!" Volcan snarls at me, her fire claws dangerously close to my face. "For that, you get to watch your friends die first!" She continues, dragging a screaming and kicking Remi into my view before slicing down her leg, causing her to emit a shriek of pain. "Stop it!" I scream, struggling against my bindings, to no avail.

Remi POV

Once Keon's ability is activated, I find myself in my X-Rei outfit, facing a group of three people. Beside me, I see my brother, Rei, in his X-Static suit. "Look out!" He yells, pushing me to the ground, being hit by a blast of energy, hurling him back. Noooo!!!! I yell in my head, rushing over to him, finding him lying in a pool of his own blood, on the verge of death. Don't leave me again. I say to myself, tearing up.

Seraphina POV

When Keon's ability activates, I look around, only to find myself on the floor, bruised and bloodied, with people standing around me, laughing. "The great Seraphina, powerless. Doesn't feel good does it?" One of them taunts. Suddenly, I see a shock of raven hair. "John!" I call, trying to get his attention. He simply looks at me with a sneer, saying: "Know your place, cripple." Before walking off. No... John! Please! I cry out in my head, tears staining the floor.

Arlo POV

Keon activates his ability, and I'm suddenly standing on the street where we fought off Miko and Deus. Looking around, I see them fleeing down the street. However, it's not that that catches my attention - it's the pink haired body laying on the ground, eyes staring sightlessly ahead. No.. I say to myself, falling to my knees. "I asked you to do one simple thing." Rei calls, appearing on the other side of Remi, his expression one of anger. "I asked you to protect my sister, and this is what happens to her!? You're useless." He says, turning his back to me.

Luke POV

I find myself in the alley where Rei and I fought together for the last time. No….Not this. Please, not this. I say to myself, knowing full well that I'm about to replay the events leading up to Rei's death, unable to do anything about it.

Adrion POV

When Keon activates his ability, I find myself witnessing a brutal scene - but one I've seen before. It was of John, fighting half of our class. Seeing the monster I had let him become once again, I fall to my knees. No… No! Don't make me watch this again! I yell in my head, terrified of the monster I had helped create.

Claire POV

When we rush into the room, I find myself witnessing a kaleidoscope of images and memories. Memories of John, all after he got his ability, beating people up. It went from Oliver, to Zirian, to the Royals of other schools, to the last time I saw him before transferring to Wellston. All the while, everyone I knew was saying "your fault. It's all your fault." Over and over again. Yes… Yes, it is my fault. These are MY mistakes. MY failures. I was the one who encouraged him to get stronger. I abandoned him when he needed me. Please, blame me. I say to myself, finally accepting what I did all that time ago.

And with that, I wake up, only to see Keon, with a gun pointing straight at John.


Name: Keon
Ability: Breakdown
Level: 10+
Physical Description: Terracotta hair, pale blue eyes, white shirt, black tie, cream beige coat, suit pants
Ability Description: Breakdown allows the user access to another's mind, enabling them to replay memories, simulate feelings and emotions and even construct completely new circumstances and events. However, the only experiences and emotions they can bring out are ones of great pain to the individual, forcing them to confront their fears - or die trying.
Passive: Intimidating Presence

Heyo! I'm back, guys! You guys understand why I was hesitant to upload a bonus chapter for 400 votes now? Man, still can't believe this story got as far as it has. It's incredible. I can't ever thank you enough for the support!

Anyways, I'm rambling. Hope you all enjoyed! See you in future uploads!

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