Chapter 10

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John POV

It's been a few days since the chat at my and Luke's house, and I've made some progress on my assignment. After meeting up with the low-tiers that were on the list, I quickly became friends with them, and learned a little bit about them all. Evie is shy and unsure, and has the ability to illuminate parts of her body. Roland is more sure of himself, but still prefers not to get involved in anything, and his ability is called premonition. It acts like a warning system, telling him when something bad is about to happen, as long as he has it active. Terrence's ability is invisibility. He can't keep it up for long, but it's easy to see how he manages to stay in the school press. Anyways, I had finally decided to introduce them to Sera.


"Hey guys!" I call out.

"Hey John!" Evie responds, waving.

"Follow me, there's someone I want you to meet." I tell them.

"Okay!" Evie cheerfully responds, practically dragging the less enthusiastic members of the group along.

*End Flashback*

"John, where are we going?" Roland asks. "We're heading for the roof." I respond. "The roof!?" They all blurt out. "Yeah, relax. It's where the person I want to introduce you to usually hangs out." I explain. "You want to introduce us to a high-tier?" Roland exclaims.

I sigh in exasperation. "Yes, but you'll be fine. She's really nice, once you get to know her." I say. "And who is this?" Terrence questions. "Here we are!" I say instead of answering. "John, who is it?" Evie repeats the question. In answer, I push the door open. "Hey, Sera!" I call out.

Seraphina POV

"Hey, Sera!" I hear John call, causing me to look up from my phone. "Hey John!" I respond, noticing that he's not alone. "Who are your friends?" I ask him, standing up. "Sera, meet Evie, Roland and Terrence!" He says, pointing to each of them in turn. "Guys, meet Sera!" He says. As expected, there is a fair amount of apprehension in their eyes. I notice one of them, Roland, quickly activating his ability before he walks forward and extends his hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Seraphina!" He says. "Same to you, Roland. And, you can just call me Sera." I respond. The others walk up and reintroduce themselves as well. We start chatting, but before long the door to the roof is slammed open by Abel. Why is he always watching the roof? I ask myself in annoyance.

"Hey, no low-tiers allowed on the roof! Get out of here, now!" He orders. "Actually," I begin. "They're with me, Abel. They're fine." I say with authority. "S-sorry for d-disturbing y-you, Seraphina." He stutters, backing out through the doorway. "Sorry about that, guys. He can get pretty annoying." I apologize. "We should probably go…" Evie says sadly, beginning to walk towards the door. "It's fine, really!" I say, right before the bell rings. Have we really been up here for that long? I say to myself. "Well, gotta head to class. Pleasure meeting you, Sera." Roland says, exiting the rooftop. "Thank you, Sera!" Terrence says before departing. "Bye!" Evie says, chasing after her friends. After the door closes, I hear John standing up. "That wasn't so bad, now, was it?" He asks with a smirk. "No, I guess it wasn't. They're really nice. It's a shame they're so hampered by the system. They'd be great friends for anyone to have." I say. "And that's why we're trying everything we can to change the system, at least in this school." He responds. "Yeah…" I say before sitting back down. "You gonna join me or what?" I joke. "Fine." He says, collapsing back to the floor.

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