Bonus Fight 1

633 11 8

Remi vs Blyke vs Isen

3rd POV

The trio stood, spread apart in the shape of a triangle, waiting for the countdown to be delivered.

"3!" The blue haired woman called from the sidelines. The three took fighting stances. "My money's on Remi. What about you?" John asked Luke.

"2!" Elaine called. "I'm gonna go with Isen. Remi may be more powerful, but he's still the craftiest of those three."

"1!" Elaine continued, causing the three to activate their abilities. "I'm going with Blyke. He's got the most experience fighting powerful opponents out of those three." Arlo says, leaning back against a post.

"GO!" Elaine shouts as the three friends start their fight.

Remi and Isen run to the center of the triangle the trio made, while Blyke stays back, charging up multiple beams, preparing to take on whoever charges him.

As Remi and Isen clash, they kick up a large cloud of dust, obscuring the spectator's view. When the cloud clears, it shows Isen holding Remi's lightning-charged fist in his hand. He jumps back as Remi calls lightning down, surrounding herself with a shield of lightning.

Blyke, knowing the dangers of letting Remi recuperate, launches a consistent volley of beams at her shield, punching temporary holes through the brilliant wall. While Blyke is keeping Remi occupied, Isen lets himself fade into the background of the fight, circling behind Blyke before locking onto and charging at him.

This does not go unnoticed by Blyke, who ceases his assault on Remi's shield momentarily to send out a gleaming red wave of energy, sending Isen hurtling back before shakily standing back up, having taken a great deal of damage from the wave. 

Remi lets her shield fall after Blyke stops his constant attacks, sending a bolt of electricity crackling through the air at Blyke while he's distracted by Isen. It connects, and Blyke is sent flying back, barely avoiding crashing into a boulder by using his beams to slow his fall, landing on his feet, breathing heavily. Remi wasn't doing much better than the other two, having expended much of her energy repairing her shield after Blyke's strikes.

The trio knew the fight was reaching its end, and they each prepared their most powerful attacks, Blyke charging a pair of massive beams, Remi covering her arms in lightning, and Isen setting up a series of traps to help him avoid their attacks.

After a few seconds, Remi launches a massive lightning bolt at both Blyke and Isen, while Blyke sends a devastating beam at each of the other two. Isen, using his traps, managed to change the direction of the attacks just enough for them to collide. As the attacks meet, a huge dust cloud is sent up, completely obscuring the three figures in the center.

When the dust settles, Isen is lying on his stomach, about 20 metres away from where he was standing, and Blyke was sitting against the boulder he had narrowly avoided shortly before. Both were unconscious. Remi was barely standing, stabilizing herself with a hand stretched out in front of her, deep furrows in the earth stretching from where she was standing to where she was now, some 15 metres away, bloody and battered.

"Remi wins!" Elaine calls as she and John head out to collect and heal the three combatants.

Hi! Sorry about there not being an update yesterday. Wattpad was, again, having issues uploading the chapter, and then, to top it off...

 Wattpad was, again, having issues uploading the chapter, and then, to top it off

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Yeah. I decided that that was enough of this, shut it off, and prayed that it didn't delete the story or something.

Hope you guys all have a great rest of the day!

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