Bonus Fight 2

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Arlo vs Seraphina vs John vs Luke

A few minutes after Remi, Blyke and Isen recovered, the four other God-tiers in the group made their way out to the field, taking up positions for their own fight.

"3… 2… 1… GO!" Elaine announced from the sidelines. To absolutely nobody's surprise, none of the combatants moved for a few seconds, though they all activated their abilities.

Arlo was encased in a cylindrical barrier with the top open, so as to use less of his energy and let him make it thicker, so it could stand up to more force. The two aura-related ability users observed their opponents, while Seraphina and Arlo gave each other a knowing look.

After that, Seraphina immediately turned her attention to John, deactivating her ability and charging at him before engaging him in a very fast-paced hand-to-hand fight. 

As John moves to block a kick, a semi-transparent yellow barrier appears, preventing him from moving his arm in time. Seraphina reactivates her ability, kicking him with incredible speed and force, sending him flying through the air. Not half a second later, a crescent shaped black barrier appears behind him, which he slides down, staying on his feet.

Redirecting the momentum Seraphina's kick had given him, he punches her in the stomach, launching her across the field.

During this, Luke has not been sitting idle. Finally seeing an opportunity, he switched Seraphina's and Arlo's auras, and since they have no idea how to use the new abilities they were given, Arlo couldn't save Seraphina from smashing into ground, and Seraphina herself could do nothing but let events play out. 

After tumbling across the ground for several metres, Seraphina slowly gets up, injured, but not terribly so. Thanks to Arlo's ability, she sustained significantly less damage than she would have.

Unable to keep up the ability swap, Luke let their auras return to their rightful owners, but he wasn't going to give Seraphina a chance to recover. Dashing over to her, he aims a kick at her stomach, and, dazed as she was, Seraphina was unable to block it in time, being sent to the ground once again. Panicking, she freezes time around her, freezing Arlo in place, but she is not strong enough to completely paralyze Luke or John.

She does slow them down, however, and manages to get away and catch her breath for a second before Luke throws a punch at her, which is blocked by Arlo's barrier.

It's at this moment that Luke notices something - or rather, the lack thereof. John hasn't thrown an attack in the past few minutes. Scanning for his cousins aura, he finds it, however, it is incredibly spread out.

Realizing what John has planned, he turns to face the tendril of pitch black extending behind him, snuffing it out with his own aura mere moments before it reaches him.

Arlo notices the movement, and turns around, throwing up a short but incredibly thick barrier, which John's aura slices almost all the way through before stopping just in front of Arlo's leg. Arlo falls to the ground in pain as his barrier dissolves, coughing up a sizeable amount of blood. Seraphina, however, is still too distracted and gets hit once again, landing on her back. Trying to get back up, her knees buckle, and she falls to the ground, giving up on winning the fight.

Turning to John, Arlo finds the man standing in the center of what could be mistaken for an explosion, were it not for the fact that the cloud was jet black, speckled with deep golds and oranges. Another wisp of aura whips towards Arlo, and, not having the energy to properly block it, the barrier Arlo throws up in front of it shatters, hardly even slowing it down before it knocks him across the field and into a rock, eliminating him from the fight.

Only the cousins remained, one relentlessly attacking, the other expertly defending, smothering the tendrils of aura the other sent at him before they could get anywhere near him.

Letting out a scream fueled by adrenaline, John charges at Luke, redoubling his efforts to force his way through his cousin's defences. Luke, too busy to notice John charging him, gets tackled to the ground, engaging in a fist-fight with John. 

Stepping to the side, Luke dodges a punch from John before retaliating, elbowing him in the side as he spins past John. Returning to his fighting stance, John uses his back foot to hook Luke's front, dragging it forward, putting Luke off balance before spinning around, smashing his left fist into the side of Luke's head, knocking him to the ground.

"John wins!" Elaine announces.

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