Chapter 61

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John POV

"So, I take it you're in charge here, Keon?" I ask. "It would appear so. It would also appear that you freed a number of my compatriots from Vaughn and his band of hypocrites. For that, I would like to thank you." He says, still looking at me with a glare. "I would appreciate it if I could be given quarters here, as they are unlikely to let me continue to stay in Wellston due to recent events." I say, just as businesslike.

"Very well, then. Miko, you can show him to the new room, can't you?" He says, shifting his gaze to the man in question. "I can." He says, leading out of the room and through a few more halls to my room. "Here you are. Make yourself comfortable. My room's right there, if you need me." He says, pointing to a door a little ways down the hall. "Thanks for your help, Miko." I say, turning to my door.

Keon POV

After Miko leaves with John, I dismiss the remaining members of EMBER before turning to my right. "You can come out now, Miss Nadia." I say, prompting her to emerge from the door behind a bookcase. "Well?" I ask, awaiting her assessment. "He may be good at lying, but he most certainly was about the reasons he would like to stay here as opposed to Wellston." She says analytically. "Very well, then. You are dismissed." I say, to which she departs out the door she came in from.

What game are you playing, Vaughn? I wonder to myself, still sitting in my chair.

Vaughn POV


"Greetings, Headmaster. What do you need?" Luke asks, letting me inside. "I would like to have a conversation with John, if it's not too much trouble." I say. "Of course it's not. I'll just go get him." He says, leaving me in the living room. In a few seconds, John walks in.

"You needed me for something, Headmaster?" He says, sitting down. "Yes, I need your help with a very important task." I begin. "What would that be?" He asks. "I need you to help me infiltrate EMBER." I say gravely.

"What??" He says, incredulous. "I need help to get information on EMBER. Given your past, it would be most believable if you were the one who takes this task on." I explain. "I don't know, it seems like there are other people who would be more capable of something like this than me." He says doubtfully. "You're the only one with a background that suggests you would join them." I reply. 

"So how do you know I won't join them?" He counters. "Because you are no longer the same person you were at New Bostin. But EMBER doesn't know that. That's why you're the best person for this job." I say, hoping I convinced him. ".......... Okay. I guess I'd be your best bet." He says hesitantly. "So you'll help?" I ask, ecstatic. "I guess so." He says, standing up and leaving after I explain the rest of the plan.

*End Flashback*

"You sent a child to do something so dangerous??!!!" Luke questions, outraged. "I realize the dangers, but there was no alternative." I say, attempting to calm him down. "Then you should have looked harder!!! Nothing can justify sending a high school student into a situation as dangerous as this!!" He continues. "John knew the risks as well as I. Instead of arguing the ethics of what has been done, perhaps we should consider our options for capitalizing on the opening this gives us." I reply, an edge to my words. "Fine." Luke says sharply, turning his back to me and walking over to a wall.

"In a few days, John will send a signal directly to me. That signal is our cue to attack EMBER. You can decide whether you want to be involved or not, but either way, you are not to tell anyone about any of this." I say sternly. "I'm coming." Luke says from his position at the wall. "If John's there, I've got to make sure he gets out okay." He continues. "I'm coming, too. I've lost too much to EMBER to risk them getting away." Remi says. "If Remi's going, we're in." Blyke and Isen say. "Rei made me swear to protect Remi. I'm coming." Arlo says, his face showing no emotion. 

"Alright, now that that's settled, let's get back." I say, calling my teleporting acquaintance into the room, sending us back to Wellston.

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