Chapter 29

908 31 1

John POV

We had gotten back to our place not long ago, and Remi and Blyke were itching to start training, so we decided to start, break for supper, and continue afterwards. Currently, I was about to fight Blyke to see where he's at with his ability while Luke was helping Remi strengthen her lightning shield. 

"You ready?" I ask. "Of course I am." Blyke responds. "Okay, then. Let's go!" I say, rushing towards him, activating my ability. As I run towards him, he generates two beams, and aims then at my legs. Not good enough. I say to myself, copying his ability, propelling myself into the air with my lasers. Panicking, Blyke shoots a beam at me in mid-air, which I counter with one of my own, causing dust to fly up. When it clears, Blyke is standing in the same spot, looking around, trying to find me. While the cloud was up, I had quickly circled behind him. Now, I was advancing rapidly, but stealthily. When I get right up behind him, I place my finger on his neck, charging a beam. "Game over." I say, stepping back and depowering.

"How did you do that?!?" Blyke exclaims. "I can do much more with your ability than you can, thanks to mine." I say. "Alright, so what should I work on?" He asks. "I'll tell you after supper." I say, heading inside and preparing the meal.

When we finish eating, we head back outside, where Blyke and I start training, as do Remi and Luke. "First thing's first, let's try and get you to generate more lasers. Start by generating three lasers, each at the tip of one of your fingers." I instruct. "Alright." He says, trying to follow my instructions. After a few minutes, he successfully generated two lasers, with a third flickering in and out of existence. "Focus. Don't try to control them all simultaneously. When you generate it, try fixing it to the tip of your finger. That way, you don't have to expend so much energy keeping them all in the same place for such a long time." I instruct. After a few more minutes, he has managed to create three beams on each hand, and can wave his hands, bringing the points with his fingers. "Excellent work. Now, let's try something a bit harder." I say, noticing him swell with pride.  Perhaps I should first teach him a lesson in humility. I say to myself. "What would that be?" He asks. "Now, propel yourself into the air with your beams. Try to find a way to stay hovering in the air, without rising or falling." I suggest. "Easy peasy." He replies with a smug grin, taking off - and immediately falling back down to earth.

"Not as easy as you'd think, is it?" I say, hovering a few feet off the ground, making sure my beam burns itself out before reaching the ground. "No fair! Your version is more powerful than mine!" He whines. "Correction: I have better control over it. Anything I can do, you can do, so long as you practice." I say, generating two beams beside my head. "Maybe you shouldn't get arrogant." I say. "Now that that lesson has been taught, let's take a few steps back, shall we?" I ask. "Yes, let's." He responds. "Excellent. Try to generate one beam on each side of your head, and shoot them at this tree." I instruct, standing right beside an oak tree. "Okay." He says, activating his ability and trying his best to generate the beams.

When we decided to finish the training session, Remi was able to create a ball of lightning, as well as keep her lightning shield up for a full 5 minutes, while Blyke was able to propel himself to great speeds with his lasers, however he still lacked control. He could also generate three beams on each hand, and create two beams without anchoring them to himself, which we dubbed sentries.

"Well, that was a productive day." I remark as me and Luke head back inside after bidding the two farewell. "Agreed. How much more powerful are they now compared to when we started training them?" He asks. "If I had to guess, I'd say Remi has gone up about 0.5, and Blyke has gone up by 0.2." I respond. "It's impressive, isn't it? Yet, I worry for them. I hope this power doesn't encourage them to seek out challenges." He laments. "Remember, you're the one who convinced me to help train Remi, and Blyke tagged along. Don't blame me if things don't go according to your plan." I respond. "Wait, I'm supposed to have a plan for this?" He exclaims in mock surprise. "Haha, very funny. Now, what do you say to some games?" I ask, heading to the living room.

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