Bonus Fight 4

407 10 7

Remi, Blyke, Isen vs Arlo

The four fighters take their positions as Elaine begins counting them down. "3… 2… 1… GO!" She yells.

Immediately, the trio activate their abilities and all charge towards Arlo, trying to lock him down before he gets the chance to do anything. As Remi lifts her arm to arc lightning at him, Arlo encases her arm in a barrier, causing the bolt to ricochet within the barrier. Remi winces in pain as the shock dies out, more surprised than injured.

Isen and Blyke are just in front of Arlo at this point, and Isen moves to punch him. Arlo throws a wall up in front of Isen's fist, which the man subsequently punches, cuts erupting all along his arm as he leaves the surface of the barrier very minimally damaged. As he begins pulling his arm back, an almost impossibly small red beam strikes the surface of the barrier right where Isen's fist was moments before, causing a small crack to appear on the transparent surface.

Remi calls lightning down from the sky behind Arlo, who, covering his forearm in a barrier, half-turns and blocks it with his arm. While distracted, Arlo fails to notice Remi sneaking up on him, shocking him from behind.

Surprised, Arlo leaps to the side, allowing Blyke the opportunity to sweep his leg, sending out a wave of energy as he did so, knocking the man a fairly large distance away before summoning a wall, bending it back to cushion the impact. Sliding down the wall, Arlo conjures multiple walls, which he sends at the trio. 

They break through the first one, taking heavy damage from the reflection effect. Remi and Blyke jump over the second, while Isen simply runs around the side. Arlo takes advantage of this opportunity, erecting a barrier between Isen and the other two, cutting him off from them.

Arlo dodges the multiple beams Blyke shoots at him, and uses a barrier to knock Remi to the side when she tries to jump at him. 

Focusing more on the two closer to him, Arlo lets his barrier around Isen slowly fade. The man in question takes advantage of the opportunity, smashing the barrier to pieces when it became weak enough, freezing the former king in place long enough for Remi to shock him with enough lightning to penetrate his defences, and Blyke to blast through the barrier that was, seconds before, screaming towards him.

Arlo, having taken a significant amount of damage, isolates himself in a dense barrier, trying to regain some of his energy. Before he can recuperate, a web of cracks forms around his barrier from the spot where the trio was focusing their attacks. Soon enough, the barrier shatters, revealing to Arlo his three tired and injured adversaries. However, be knew that despite their tiredness, it would be him who gives in first in a contest of strength. And so, he deactivates his ability, surrendering the match.

"Arlo has lost!" Elaine announces.

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