Chapter 33

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Luke POV

Where did I put it… wait, isn't it just under the bed? I say to myself as I look under my bed, finally finding what I've been searching for - a notebook, containing all my research into EMBER. "Do you really have research on EMBER?" I hear a voice ask me from the doorway, startling me, causing me to hit my head on the bed frame. "Ahh!" I yelp in pain, to the delight of my visitor. "Yes John, I do. After Rei died, I dedicated myself to finding out as much as I could about them. What I learned, though… it was enough for me to abandon it altogether. Hopefully, it does the same for Remi." I respond, rubbing my head where I hit it.

"And what if she doesn't give up? What if she still goes after them? Do you plan on risking your life trying to keep her safe?" He asks. "If it comes to that, yes." I say without hesitation. "We really are different, aren't we?" John says, looking up at the ceiling. "I guess we are." I respond. "So, what did you find out?" He asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Well, they recruit from all over the tier spectrum, but not just anyone. Only the brainiacs are recruited from the lower tiers, since they don't do much in the way of combat. They've been working on ability-related drugs - strengthening, weakening and suppressing. They had the amplifier mostly up and running when I broke it off, but the other two were still science fiction." I summarize.

"You don't seem to be the type who gets scared off by that. What made you quit?" He asks, curious. "It's not what, but who." I say. "And who was this person?" He prompts. "... The one who murdered Rei." I respond. "So you know who did it!?" He asks, incredulous. "Why didn't you tell Remi!?" He exclaims. "Because I don't want her going after them. The last time I went out, I met the guy who killed Rei. His ability seemed to have something to do with darkness. That's all I could get with how powerful he was. I barely managed to get out of there." I say.

"Understood. By the way, I originally came here to tell you that supper's ready. And, that we have a guest." He says, departing. "Who?" I ask, after he leaves. Guess I'll go see who it is. I say to myself, walking down the stairs.

When I arrive in the kitchen, I see the person I least expected to visit. "Headmaster?" I ask, dumbfounded.

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