Chapter 70

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John POV

It had been a couple of months since EMBER was taken down. Convincing the public that the government was the one killing off superheroes to stay in power took a while, but eventually, we had managed to convince them, and the head of the Authorities, not wanting to be caught in another bloodbath, admitted to the people when he realized they turned on him. In social news, Sera and myself were now a couple. After the whole EMBER fiasco, we had confessed our feelings for each other and started going out.

"All students are to report to the theatre at this time." Vaughn's voice sounds from the speaker. We all arrive, and the former Royals all sit together, wondering what Vaughn would be announcing.

Vaughn walks out onto the stage, and addresses the crowd. "Good afternoon, students of Wellston." He begins. "I regret to inform you that I will be leaving my post as Headmaster within the next few days." He announces, causing murmuring among the crowd. "I have been asked to be chairman of the Council for the whole country, a position I cannot refuse lightly. Rest assured, however, that I will return once the country calms down and accepts the new form of leadership. Until I return, Mr Keene will be filling the post of Headmaster. I expect you to treat him with utmost respect in my absence." Vaughn explains, concluding the assembly.

We return to our classes, but not long after, Sera and I are called to the infirmary. When we arrive, we find Doc and Leilah standing there, waiting for us. "Nice of you to finally get here." Doc grumbles. "Come, now, Darren. No need to be so agitated." Leilah says. "Anyways, we managed to perfect the serum to restore your ability, Sera." Leilah says, causing Sera to grin from ear to ear, like a child on Christmas. "Really?" She says, disbelievingly. "Yes, we have. If you would just sit right here, we'll restore your powers in no time." Leilah continues, pointing to a chair. 

Ecstatic, Sera sits down, glee showing itself on her face. Doc inserts a syringe into her arm, slowly pushing on the plunger. Thanks to my passive, I can tell that the syringe contains her ability aura. Once her aura has been injected into her, Doc grabs another syringe, inserting it in the same spot.

A few seconds later, Doc steps back, satisfied with his work. "Why not see if you can use it?" Leilah says encouragingly. Sera activates her ability, her eyes glowing, looking the happiest I'd ever seen her. "Thank you so much Leilah!" She says, throwing her arms around her sister. "It was the least I could do to make up for not being there for you, all these years." She says, sadness evident in her voice. "I'd say you more than made up for it!" Sera says, releasing the death grip she had her sister in. "And thank you too, Doc!" Sera says, smiling at him. "Well, Leilah actually did most of the work. I just sat there and watched most of the time." He says, rubbing his neck. "Don't be modest, Darren! Without your insight and skill, we never would have been able to reconstruct the injection this quickly!" Leilah says, causing Doc to turn red. 

"But thank you most of all, John. You were always there when I needed you, and you never let me doubt myself." She says, charging toward me and squeezing me tightly.

"Get a room." Doc says, turning back to his desk. "Sera… Can't… Breathe." I choke out, unable to breathe with the bone-crushing strength of her hug, causing her to let go. "Good thing we're in the infirmary. You might have broken a few ribs." I say, catching my breath. "As if I could hurt you." She says devilishly, walking out the door. So that's how you want to play this, huh? I say to myself, running to catch up to her, tickling her from behind.

Hello! So, I was just scrolling through some things, rereading, revising, that kind of stuff, and...

My POVHello! So, I was just scrolling through some things, rereading, revising, that kind of stuff, and

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Holy hell, I'm so awestruck that this managed to make it so far. Massive thanks to every single one of you!!!!! I don't think I can properly express my thankfulness for the fact that you guys are all here, and that people are actually enjoying the story!!!

Again, thank you to everyone reading!!!

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