Chapter 43

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Luke POV

When I return to my previous position, a hand reaches out and grabs me by the back of my neck, trying to swing me backwards onto the floor. I quickly teleport out of his grasp, and elbow him in the head. When I go to attack him again, he appears behind me, and throws a punch, which I quickly block before retaliating with a kick. He catches my leg, and swings it upwards, intending to make me fall. I teleport higher in the air, giving me time to roll away, reducing the effects of the fall. He punches at me again, and before I can catch it, he appears behind me, striking me in the back with considerable force, sending me stumbling forward.

Then, I sense another aura - Remi's. "Wait for my signal, then light this place up as bright as you can." I whisper into the mouthpiece. "Understood." Remi responds. I quickly appear behind the man, putting my arm around his throat. "NOW!" I yell, dragging him to the ground, followed by a brilliant display of power from Remi, lighting the whole street up like the middle of the day. I quickly use some of her energy to magnetically lift one of my daggers into my grasp before knocking Madrac unconscious with it. "Incredible display, X-Rei." I compliment. "Thanks." She responds with a slight blush.

About 10 minutes later, we meet up with John, who had been out looking for us. "Took you guys long enough to finish with that guy. Come on, the others are waiting." He says, turning to start walking back to the rest of the group.

Another couple of minutes pass before we meet up with the rest of the team. We all have multiple injuries - Isen has a cut on his head, as well as dizziness, Blyke has many minor cuts, scrapes and bruises, Arlo is coughing up blood, and John is also coughing, but much more aggressively, in addition to his numerous bruises. "Where's Seraphina?" I ask. John moves aside, revealing Seraphina's unconscious body.

"We have to get back to Vaughn, now. John, you take Seraphina and teleport there. Blyke, Remi and I will get these three back to Wellston, while you guys take the subway. Got it?" I order. "Understood." They all reply, breaking up into the groups, with John quickly leaving. "Let's get going, shall we?" I ask as my group starts heading back, making use of Remi's lightning and Blyke's energy beams to move more quickly.

Skip to when they arrive

We had finally made it back to Wellston, and, as expected, Keene was waiting for us at the gates. "Follow me." He says, turning and walking us to Vaughn's office, departing shortly after. John was already waiting when we got there, a concerned look on his face. This isn't going to be good… I say to myself.

"Where are the others?" John asks us as we sit down. "What others?" Isen says as his group walks through the door. "Excellent. Now that we're all here, let's hear what exactly happened out there, shall we?" Vaughn asks.

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