Chapter 36

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Claire POV

We're really here. Those weeks of studying finally paid off! We made it into Wellston Private Highschool! The most prestigious highschool in the country! I say to myself excitedly as myself and Adrion get off the plane.

"What's gotten you so excited?" He asks me. "It's just that we're finally here! We really managed to make it in!" I respond, ecstatic.

"Yeah, we really did. Let's head over to the school and drop our stuff off, shall we?" He proposes. "Yeah, let's go do that." I say as we exit the airport, hand in hand.

About half an hour later, we get out of the cab that had brought us to Wellston, and pay the driver. As we walk toward the gates, I see something that I had hoped never to see again for the rest of my life. "What's wrong?" Adrion asks me, concerned. I simply point at what I saw, and he follows my finger, becoming just as pale as me as he sees what I had. "John!?!?" He exclaims, causing the person standing at the gates to look up at us.

John POV

Where are they? The Headmaster said they'd be here half an hour ago! I say to myself, annoyed.

"John!?!?" I hear a voice say. Looking up, I see who called my name: Adrion, the friend I never deserved, and Claire, who was just trying to help me. "What took you two so long to get here?" I ask, walking over to them. As I approach, they shrink back in terror. 

What's up with them? Are they really that scared of me? I ask myself. "Relax. I was voted to be the one who shows you around campus by the others. I'm not going to hurt you. Here, let me get your bags." I say, trying to calm them down. It doesn't work incredibly well, but at least they follow me. "Hey, new kids!" I hear someone call out before Adrion gets thrown across the courtyard. "Uhhh.." he groans in pain. "Adrion!" Claire cries, rushing over to him. "Oooh, trying to protect your boyfriend? Let me tell you something: that's not how it works around here." The student sneers, rearing his arm back again. "Gavin." I call out, getting the student to turn around. "I do believe that you were told specifically not to bother anyone." I continue, stalking up to him. "You're just the same old weak little cripple that you used to be, aren't you John? There's nothing you can do except get yourself hurt!" He says, aiming to punch me. "Should have thought that one through. Attacking someone like me could be the last thing you do, if I so desired." I respond, grabbing his fist, stopping it in its tracks. Looking around the courtyard, I find one of the people I was looking for.

"Blyke!" I call. "What is it?" Blyke says, running up to me. "If it's not too much trouble, would you bring Gavin here to see the Headmaster? Tell him he attacked the new transfers." I instruct, putting Gavin into Blyke's custody. "No problem." He says, walking off with Gavin. "See? I'm not the heartless monster I used to be. I have changed." I say, looking back at Claire and Adrion. "Hold on, let me get a healer over here." I say, taking out my phone and calling Elaine, who I got into contact with through Arlo.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Could you come to the main gates? There's been a fight, and I need a healer here." I explain.

"On my way." She responds, hanging up. "So are you the King here, too?" Claire asks me. "Hm? No, I'm not." I respond. "Then who is?" She asks. "This may take a while. First of all, there is no king here. Nor is there a jack or queen. At least, not anymore." I begin. "So how does this school function?" She asks. "Well, in a few days, we'll have a vote on which students get to be members of the council that will run this school from now on. They'll be students from all over the tier list, and they debate and vote on issues within the student body. Once they get up and running, they'll be the ones dealing with troublemakers like that Gavin jerk that ambushed you earlier." I explain, right as Elaine shows up.

"That's interesting." Claire says. "So what did you need me for?" Elaine asks. "Gavin strikes again. Blyke's dragging him to Vaughn as we speak. This kid, Adrion, is his latest victim. I just need you to activate your ability for a second." I say. "No, I'll help." She replies. "Okay." I say. A couple minutes later, Adrion is healed, and we get back on our way, with Elaine tagging along, since she was heading back to her dorm.

"So these are the dorms! Here are your keys." I say, handing them each a key. "Claire, you'll be bunking with Remi, a good friend of mine. She's nice, but can get a little intense at times. Adrion, you'll be sharing with Blyke, that redhead from before. He can be intimidating, but he's a good guy. Once you guys get settled in, I'll bring you guys to Vaughn, and we'll tour around the campus." I say, after which I guide Adrion to his dorm while Elaine does the same for Claire.

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