Chapter 45

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John POV

Myself, Luke and Arlo were crashing at Sera and Elaine's dorm. Luke and Arlo were in the living room, Arlo in a chair and Luke on the couch, while I was on the floor in Sera's room, watching over her. 

Please be fine. Please be fine. I kept repeating to myself, the memory of the event replaying in my head and plaguing my dreams when I fell asleep.

In the morning, it was actually Sera who woke up first. She woke me up by flinging the blanket off her bed, and immediately stepping on me - luckily, it was not in exactly the wrong spot, but on my arm - as she was hurrying to the bathroom. 

"Sera!" I say, much more loudly than I had intended, entering the bathroom myself when I heard her retching. "It's okay, let it all out. There we go." When she's finished, she looks like she's about to pass out. "Sera? Sera!" I yell, snapping her back to the present. "What's wrong?" I ask her, worried. "Wait, I need to check something." She says, hurrying back to her room. When I get there, she's holding the clock, looking at it in shock as she falls to her knees. "Sera, what's going on?" I ask her, concerned for her health. "I-I can't ac-activate my ability." She responds, eyes wide.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded. "This entire time, I've been trying to get my ability to work, and nothing has happened." She responds, eyes still wide. "Hey, what's going on in here?" Luke asks, appearing in the doorway. "I'll explain it later. For now, can you cook something for Sera to eat?" I ask. "Of course. Hey, Arlo, you know where stuff is in this kitchen, right?" I hear him say as he leaves the room. "It's okay. It's going to be alright." I repeatedly whisper into Sera's ear.

Before long, Luke finishes what he was doing, and we get Sera to eat some breakfast before taking her to the infirmary, where Doc is already waiting. "What took so long?" He asks rhetorically, starting to run some basic tests on Sera.

Luke POV

Myself, John, Sera, Arlo and Elaine were in the infirmary, waiting for Remi, Blyke and Isen to show up. "John, I need to ask you something." I say, leading John away from the others. "What's up?" He asks. "Focus on Arlo's aura." I say, making sure Arlo can't activate his ability with my own. "What's going on with it?" I ask. "It's stopped flowing. It's still there, but he just can't do anything with it." Shit. This is really not good. I say to myself. "Why? What's going on?" John asks. "It's Seraphina's aura. It's not just stopped, it's gone. Her ability isn't just blocked, it's been removed." I whisper, making sure the others can't hear what I'm saying.

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