Chapter 54

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Sera POV

"Could Seraphina please come down to the infirmary?" I hear Doc's voice say through the intercom. What could he want with me? I ask myself, going to the infirmary.

When I get there, I see one of the last things I had ever expected to - my sister, Leilah, who was cast out and all but abandoned by my mother. "Leilah…?" I say, my uncertainty and shock perfectly conveyed by that one word.

"Yes, Seraphina. It's me." She says, tearing up. "I never thought I'd see you again." I say, running towards her and hugging her. "Hey, it's okay. I'm here. I'm not leaving you." She says, hugging me back. "By the way." I say, extricating myself. "You can call me Sera." I say, smiling.

"Well, this is awkward." Doc says, standing to the side and rubbing the back of his neck. "Now, now, Darren. We haven't seen each other in years. It's only natural for us to get reacquainted." Leilah says, looking at him. "Yeah, you're right. Now, shall we get started?" He says, turning and opening his bag. "Started on what?" I ask, curious. "Fixing your ability. Now, what's our first step, Darren?" Leilah says, walking towards the desk where Darren's bag was.

"First of all, I need to-" Doc begins, but he gets cut off by the door opening again. "Son of a…" He trails off, stomping towards the door.

"So, Leilah." I begin, getting her attention. "Yes, Sera?" She says. "What have you been up to these past few years?" I ask.

Luke POV

This whole situation with Seraphina's ability is quite unnerving… Not least of all because she lost her ability, but also because her entire aura was separated from her… How are we supposed to fix this? I think to myself, wandering through the halls.

Suddenly, I notice something strange about one of the kid's auras in the hallway. It's almost like it's… repairing itself. I say to myself, seeking out the kid with the healing aura. "What were you doing just a few minutes ago?" I ask him when I finally manage to get next to him. "I-I was j-just in the infirmary." He says, nervous. "Thank you." I say, turning in the direction of the infirmary.

When I arrive, I hear the expected grumbling from Doc before I see him walk in from another room. "What are you doing here?" He asks menacingly. "Did you just treat a student within the past few minutes?" I ask. "Of course I did. Why?" He asks, still irritated. "It would seem I may have found the cure for Sera." I say. "And what would that be?" He asks, slightly intrigued. "This student's aura was repairing itself. If you can refine your tonics and combine it with the serum, then it might just work." I say.

"Interesting." He says. "Wait, you can get my ability back!?" A voice says from the direction Doc appeared from. Oh crap. I say, turning towards the voice. "We don't know, but it might be worth a shot." I say to Seraphina.

Hello! This is bonus chapter 4 out of 6. I'm starting to run out of time to get these all up, aren't I?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! See you guys in the future updates!

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