Chapter 67

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Wait. I say to myself, opening my eyes again. I slowly blink, a surprised expression showing itself on my face. I have control! I say, trying, unsuccessfully, to depower. Damn it. He still controls my ability. I say, swinging my arm to the side just as lightning rockets out of it, blowing a hole straight through the wall.

Leave me and my friends alone. I say to the voice, finally forcing him out of my head, regaining complete control over myself. "John?" Sera says cautiously, inching away from me. "I'm back. I'm in control." I say, turning to look at the devastation around me.

Quickly, I go around the room, finding and healing everyone with an ability I was forced to copy just before intercepting the group. Luckily, they were all still conscious. Blyke's back had been shattered from being launched into the wall, Arlo's left leg had been broken at the knee, Isen's arms had been broken in multiple places, Adrion had had both legs broken, Remi's ankles were destroyed, and Luke's ribs were broken, as was his left arm. Claire and Sera, having stayed away from the main fight, had sustained only minor injuries.

Once everyone was healed, I explain the situation to them. "Nearly every other person in the complex has been sent to stop Vaughn's assault. They won't be able to make it through, so we need to apprehend the leader of EMBER: Keon." I say. "The same Keon who took you in for readjustment courses?" Sera asks. "The one and only." I say, nodding. "I can lead you to his office. Come, quickly!" I say, dashing off in the direction of Keon's office.

Keon POV

"What the hell was that pitiful performance? You claimed to be able to force anyone to do anything! You're useless. Get out of my sight!" I rage at Imperi. "I'm sorry, sir. His love for that girl is unshakeable, and nothing I can do will change that. Farewell, sir." He says, leaving my office.

It matters not. I say, refocusing on the camera footage. The moment they set foot in this room, I'll make sure they can't do anything. I say to myself, watching their progress.

Hey guys! This is the last episode I'll be posting until next Monday, the 17th. At least you're not hanging off the edge of a massive cliff with this one.

I'll see you when I get back! Until then, farewell!

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