Chapter 27

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Remi POV

What is it now? I ask myself, heading to the roof. I had just received a text from Luke saying he had something he wanted to run by me and the others, and to meet on the roof. This better be good. I say to myself, pushing open the door to the roof, only to see that everyone else was already there.

"Excellent. Now that everyone's here, John and I had some ideas on how to fix the hierarchy that we wanted to run by you guys." Luke says. "And just how are you planning on going about that?" Seraphina asks. "We were thinking about introducing a new system to replace the hierarchy: a group made up of two people from each of the tiers, forming a council of sorts." Luke continues. "Okay, but how would we pick the people who get on the council? Seems like we would just revert back to the current hierarchy to me." Blyke says. "Simple. It gets settled democratically. Instead of fighting for the spots, people would have to vote on the two representatives. The two people with the highest amount of votes in each tier would get to be part of the council." John explains.

"But what about the low-tiers? It would be simple for anyone to get another two easy votes by threatening the low-tier representatives." Isen points out. "Thought of that too. We convince Vaughn to put in a policy punishing anyone who threatens or attacks any of the representatives without cause." Luke answers.

"Okay, but what about people threatening those weaker than them in order to assure votes?" I ask. "Firstly, only people from the same tier can vote for their representatives, so only low-tiers can vote for the low-tier members, and secondly, anyone seen ambushing anyone else is disqualified and cannot be voted in for three months. Also, a new vote happens on the first school day of every month, to prevent people from having too much control for too long." John explains.

"Interesting." I say. "This could work." Sera agrees. "Fine by me." Blyke responds. "Intriguing premise." Isen says, trying to sound smart. "If we decide to go through with this, do you guys mind if I write an article on it?" He continues. "I was actually about to ask you if you could, as long as we all agree to it." Luke admits. "Sick. I'm in." Isen says. "Let's do it!" I agree. "Let's try it out." Sera says. "It's worth a shot." Blyke agrees. "Then it's settled. We'll make an announcement, Isen will write his article, and we'll have the first vote in a few weeks." Luke concludes. 

Soon after, people start leaving the rooftop, until only Luke, John and myself are left. "You going to head to class, Remi?" John asks. "I have something I want to ask you guys first." I admit. "Then best say it." Luke says. "I was wondering if you guys would be open to letting Blyke practice with us?" I ask. "I don't see why not." Luke says. "Sure." John agrees. "Great! I've gotta head to class, so I'll see you guys later!" I say, hurrying down from the roof.

John POV

"I really hope this works." I say. "It will." Luke responds. "So I guess Blyke's going to be joining us after school today." He says after a long pause. "Yeah. We should start charging money for these things." I say, joking. "That's not a half bad idea." Luke says, contemplating it. "Hey, I was kidding." I say. "I know. It's so easy to get you worked up." He says with a smirk, before departing from the roof, leaving me alone. I hope this works. I say to myself, heading down to get to my next class right as the bell rings.

How did I manage to get 2k reads?? And on top of that, nearly 200 votes??? I'm so overjoyed that you guys are enjoying this! I only hope that I can manage to keep you interested! Huge thanks to you all!

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