Chapter 62

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Claire POV

When Remi gets back to our dorm, I'm already awake, having seen the vision of us fighting John again. I don't know when this is, but I have a feeling it's soon. I need to act on this to make sure I get there. I say to myself.

"Hey, Remi." I say, getting her attention. "Claire? What's up?" She asks, surprised that I'm awake. "Are you guys planning on fighting John?" I ask bluntly. "N-no, why do you ask?" She stutters, giving her away. "I'm coming with you. So is Adrion. Who's organizing the whole thing?" I continue. "Headmaster Vaughn." She says softly after a pause. "Thank you." I say, heading out the door, making my way to Vaughn's office.

When I arrive, I knock on the door. "Come in." I hear him call. Opening the door, I see him sitting at his desk, sipping his tea. "Ah, Claire. What is it you need?" He asks politely. "I'm coming with you to find John." I say after I close the door, causing Vaughn to nearly choke on his tea. "What are you talking about?" He asks. 

"I had a vision. Don't try hiding it from me. Seraphina, Blyke, Isen, Remi, Arlo, Adrion and myself were facing off with John. When I confronted Remi about it, she said you were in charge. Whether you like it or not, Adrion and I are coming." I say. For a few minutes, neither of us talks. "Very well. I'll send you a message in the coming days, telling you to come to my office. That's when you'll get Adrion and come here, from where you will go to confront John. Understood?" Vaughn says. 

"Yes, Headmaster." I say, leaving. "One more thing." He says, to which I turn around. "Tell no one of this." He says seriously. "Wasn't planning to." I say, departing.

Vaughn POV

She mentioned seeing Seraphina as well… I'll have Remi bring her along, then. But John would never attack them… she must have been mistaken. I say to myself, reflecting on what Claire had said.

John POV

I fingered the device Vaughn had given me during our meeting. "Use it when they think you've joined them for good." He'd said. 

Miko certainly thinks I'm on their side, and Volcan, Deus and Glace are warming up to me. Madrac, however, is incredibly cautious. I don't think I'll be able to convince him. I say to myself, running through the list of EMBER's main operatives.

Just then, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say, stowing the device in a hidden pocket up my sleeve. "Hey, I was told to make sure you take this." Miko says, walking over to me and handing me a syringe. "What's this?" I ask, cautious. "It's a booster. It'll boost your ability immensely. With it, no one will be able to stop you." He says, sitting me down on the bed. Taking the syringe back, he injects it into my elbow. I immediately feel my aura growing, both in size and power. 

"Let it flare." Miko says, prompting me to stop restraining my aura, causing it to lash out, drowning the entire room in darkness. "Now that's some serious power." He says with a low whistle, marvelling at my aura. "It sure is." I say with a grin, having completely forgotten about the device in my sleeve.

Hello! We just hit 400 votes!!!! Thank you guys so much for your support!

I would upload an extra chapter to celebrate like I have previously, but I just now decided to actually count out the chapters I'd be uploading, and I don't want to leave you guys on a massive cliffhanger for that long.

As always, I hope you enjoyed and I look forward to seeing you guys in future updates!

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