Prologue: Part 3

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Luke POV

While sitting on the rooftop of Wellston Private Highschool, I allowed my mind to wander, thinking about how I can make things better. I've been king for about a month now, but I can't do anything to help bridge the gap between the high and low tiers if they don't let me.


"Hey, how've you guys been?" I ask, walking up to my group of friends.

"What do you want with us? We're just low tiers. What can the king gain from being friendly with us?"

"What do you mean? I don't want anything from you. I just-"

"Great. Then, if you don't mind, we'll be on our way." They interrupt before walking away. I just stood there, not knowing what to do anymore.

*End Flashback*

The whole reason I posed as a cripple was so that I could see if this place treated low tiers any better than everywhere else. Since they didn't, I decided to do something about it, but inadvertently pushed my friends away. So long as this system exists, it will be impossible to create peace between higher and lower tiers. The problem is, I don't even know where I'm supposed to start. It doesn't help that the other Royals, Arlo and Seraphina, are so focused on maintaining the hierarchy. If I could just get some more high tiers to help out, that would be something. Remi seems to be a good person, so if I could open her eyes to this issue, she could help. She also holds some sway over Blyke and Isen. If I could just convince her to-

A noise startles me from my thoughts: my phone ringing.

Why's my dad calling me? I wonder before answering.

"Hello? What is it, dad?"

"You remember how your cousin, John, was expelled from New Bostin?"

"How could I forget?"

"I figured you wouldn't forget that easily. Anyways, I just heard from your Uncle William that John's going to be transferring to Wellston as a second year student next school year."

My eyes widen in surprise at this news as a million questions flood my brain.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Okay, well take care of yourself, okay? Don't make me come out there to check up on you, you hear?"

"I'll be fine."

"Oh, and one more thing. John doesn't want people knowing about his ability. Thought you'd be the one to tell."

"Understood. I guess I'll be seeing you then."

"Take care, Luke."

As I hang up the phone, a new plan, one that actually might work in breaking the distance between higher and lower tier students forms in my mind.

This just might work… I think to myself as the bell rings, signalling the end of the day.

End of prologue

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