Chapter 2

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Luke POV

As usual, I was just walking around the hallways, trying to refine my plan, fix the issues with it, and, most importantly, find a way to get John to agree to it.

I've already managed to convince Remi to get on board with this, and now that Seraphina has risen to the position of Ace, that's 2 Royals, counting me, who are on my side. Seraphina will be more open to it now that John has befriended her, but in order for my plan to work, John has to reveal his powers,and the fact that he's been lying to her all this time. Even with that complication, Arlo will still be impossible to convince. There's no alternative: I need Arlo dethroned, and the only one who can do it is John. I guess... I'll just have to talk to him.

With that, I turn on my phone, and text John.

John POV

While I'm hanging out on the roof with Sera, Luke texts me.

"Meet me on the roof. There's something I need to talk to you about, alone."

I mentally groan. This isn't gonna go well for one of us. I think to myself. Then, my eyes settle on the last word of his message: alone.

"Hey, Sera" I begin.

"What is it?" She responds.

"My cousin needs to chat with me alone, and wanted to meet up here. You think you can give us some time alone?" I ask.

"Of course." She says, pouting.

As she stands up to leave, the door to the rooftop opens, revealing Abel, the annoying rooftop kid.

"Now that your protection's leaving, you really have no right to be up here." He says, smirking.

"Actually, he's fine, Abel." A new voice says. Stepping out onto the rooftop is none other than my cousin, the King of Wellston, Luke.

"Tch. Alright." Abel says, annoyed.

"Careful with the tone there, Abel. Wouldn't want to offend the King, would you?" Luke says, his voice dead serious.

"Of course not." Responds Abel, departing the rooftop with Sera.

"John, there's some things I'm going to need your help for." Luke begins.

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