Chapter 32

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Arlo POV

I went to the roof, because it's where Sera, John and Luke hang out, so it was worth a shot. When I arrived, I opened the door, stopping all conversation that was going on.

"What do you want Arlo?" Remi asks. "I just want to apologize to all of you. I was blinded to what was going on around me, and I'm ashamed that I couldn't see it for what it was. I will support you whole-heartedly from here on out." I say. "Can't say I was expecting that." John says. "But it's a welcome change! Come over here!" Luke says. For a while after that, we just talked. Not really about anything important, just to have something to do.

"I actually have something I need to say." Remi speaks up. "What is it, Pinky?" I ask. "First of all, don't call me that. Second…" she says, turning to the others. "I'm going back out as X-Rei." She says quickly, making everyone's faces fall. "Wait, what?" I ask, hoping for an explanation. "Her superhero name." Luke responds. "Wait, you went out as a superhero?!?" I respond, outraged. "How am I supposed to protect you?!??" I continue. "You don't have to." Remi responds. "It was the last thing Rei ever said to me. I have to." I respond dutifully.

"Never thought I'd agree with Mr Self-righteous over here, but I do. You can't go back out, Remi." John says. "You can't stop me. I'm going back out, whether you allow it or not." She responds. "Luke, talk some sense into her." John pleads. "..... I can't. She's made up her mind. I do have one request for you, though, Remi." He says. "And what would that be?" She asks. "Wait a few days. I'll compile all my own research into EMBER, and give it to you. I just need a couple of days to collect it all." He responds.

"Fine. I can do that much." She says. "Also, I have one more request. Well, statement." He says. "And what would that be?" I prompt. "I'm coming with you." He says. "We can't leave you. We're coming too." Blyke and Isen say. "I'll come along too." Seraphina says. "It's not like I have anything better to do anyways." She elaborates. "I can't let Sera go without me. I'm going too." John says. After that, all eyes turn toward me. "Fine, I'll come along. But you're getting out if I tell you to, alright, Remi?" I say after a long pause. "Of course. We'll go out in a few days, then." She says as the bell rings, signalling the end of the day.

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