Chapter 50

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Remi POV

Blyke, Isen and I were just chatting and walking around. Before we knew it, it was dark out. "Don't want to miss curfew again, do we?" Blyke asks. "No, we don't. See you guys tomorrow!" I say, hurrying off towards my dorm.

When I get there, I see John and Sera parting ways, Sera going inside, John heading to the gates. "So, Sera." I say, walking up to her. "What is it, Remi?" She asks, much happier than I had thought she'd be after losing her ability. "You and John finally getting together?" I ask. "What?! No, of course not! What gave you that idea?" She blurts out, flustered. "Well, it's pretty obvious that you guys like each other. You should ask him out!" I encourage. "Maybe once things die down around here." She says, giving it some thought. "Anyways, see you tomorrow!" I say as we reach my dorm. "Bye!" Sera says, walking off.

As I walk inside, I notice Claire, my new roommate, sitting down on the couch, watching tv. When she sees me enter, she puts the remote down, turning the tv's volume lower. "I was starting to wonder when you were going to get back… X-Rei." She says. "Yeah, well I- wait, how do you know that name?" I ask when I realise what she said. "My ability. It gives me visions of what's to come, from time to time. This time, I saw you, in your superhero outfit, getting blasted across a large room. Luke called your name as you were hurtling through the air. What are you doing out there? Why are you even going?" She asks, seemingly concerned.

"I'm trying to find the organization that killed my brother, and destroy them." I respond without hesitation. "EMBER, right? They killed your brother, X-Static?" She questions. "Yeah. How did you know he was my brother?" I ask, curious as to how she knows so much. "Your monikers are very similar. You also have the same ability." She explains.

"How much more do you know? What else did you see?" I ask, desperate for information. "I don't know much more. One thing that concerned me, though, was that, in my vision, John was fighting for the other side." She says gravely.

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